The card that Qin Yuqi gave her was stopped.

She has only the money from her previous job.
After she was recognized by Yunjia, her former house was returned, and she could temporarily find a small foothold.
She looked at this small room and missed the day before yesterday!
Come on … Everything is perfect, but what went wrong? !
After thinking for a long time, she can think of a possibility!
She suddenly got up and left her place to look for the man.
When she found Yu Shurong, Yu Shurong was still drinking happily!
Section 22
Seeing him like this, she was even more angry!
If she can be a father! She is not what she is now!
Her pain is not only given by jiujiu but also by him!
Yu Zhenzhen grabbed Yu Shurong’s bottle before without thinking.
The bottle was taken away from Yu Shurong. Naturally, it was uncomfortable. I just wanted to swear at her.
"Hey, what does Miss Yun want me to do?" He laughed.
If the word "Miss Yunda" was used before, she would feel very comfortable, but now she feels ironic!
"You still drink! I asked you if you let it slip! "
Yu Shurong didn’t know what she was saying. "I don’t understand what you said!"
See him like this Yu Zhenzhen more angry! "You don’t understand? ! Wake up and see that I am no longer Miss Yunjia! "
She threw a magazine in front of Yu Shurong.
Yu Shurong frown picked it up and looked at it. After that, his face changed. "What! You have been exposed! "
"You don’t know?"
"You are funny, how should I know! Besides, didn’t you do well? ! How did it get caught? !”
"I also want to ask you this question! Do you think it’s your own mouth that talks wildly? Let others know? !”
This should be a seamless affair. There is no reason for anyone to know!
"What are you talking about? I’m not stupid. You screwed up yourself. How dare you question me? !” Yu Shurong said, suddenly, what did he think of? "Wait a minute, you were caught? Does that mean you have no money after that? Shit! Then how can I play! "
Yu Zhenzhen looked at Yu Shurong and still thought about money. I couldn’t wait to beat him up!
Seeing him like this, I think it wasn’t him, but if it wasn’t him, how would Huo Yicheng know? !
She fidgeted and turned away.
And what worries her more is yet to come. She was fired from Song’s work.
She knows what’s going on without telling me.
Many people looked at her the day she left the Soong family.
Her former identity was Yunjia darling daughter, but now there is news from Yunjia that an oolong was deliberately confused.
At the moment, many people look at her with a theater mentality.
"Such a person is really shameless. It’s not the daughter of Yunjia who has to say that she is."
"I told you, this cloud family is a nobleman in country J. I don’t think she looks like a nobleman from head to toe."
There’s a lot of talk. Yu Zhenzhen wants to tear their mouths off!
Just as she just walked out of the Song building, she happened to bump into Song Yuyan.
Song Yuyan passed her without looking at her!
As if she were angry.
Song Yuyan’s indifference made her very hurt!
Song Yuyan
Song Yuyan paused.
She walked up to Song Yuyan. "I … Can I talk to you?"
Song Yuyan looked at her and then said lightly,’ What do you want to talk about? "
"Are you fired me? Or jiujiu? "
"What’s the point of asking these questions now?"
"Is she right? She hates me because she doesn’t leave me any way out, right? !”
Song Yuyan frowned at her words. "Does Yu Zhenzhen know the difference between you and jiujiu?"
Yu Zhenzhen zheng "what?"
Song Yuyan sneered, "You always blame others for your mistakes and misfortunes. Are you all like you?"? I mean to fire you and jiujiu. "
Yu Zhenzhen bit her lip. "Song Yuyan, do you love her so much?"
"Well, I love her."
He said these three words firmly and without hesitation.
But these three words are like a piece of iron and lead pressing on Yu Zhenzhen’s heart, which makes her breathless.
"But when you didn’t know me, you helped me, didn’t you? I don’t believe you are the kind of person who is willing to help others at will. "
Song Yuyan listened to what she said, but he raised his eyebrows slightly. "So you think I like you because I helped you?"
Yu Zhenzhen pursed her lips and looked at him with anticipation. "Isn’t it?"
Song Yuyan laughed at her words. "Of course not. Since you asked, I might as well tell you that it was a coincidence that I helped you at that time. This coincidence was that I happened to see you helping you. That’s because I knew at that time that you were her good friend and the one she cared about."
Yu Zhenzhen’s eyes are wide open and some can’t accept this fact.
"What … are you helping me because I am a good friend of jiujiu?"
"Well, that’s right. Do you think I would have the leisure to help you if you weren’t?"
Yu Zhenzhen took two steps back and shook his head. "No … you shouldn’t … you …"
It’s over. Song Yuyan has no spare time to say anything more with her. Look away and go straight to the inside.
Yu Zhenzhen looked at the man’s cold back and pulled out a bit of self-mockery after a long time.
It turns out that … everything is her self-affection …
It turns out that … she lost to jiujiu from the beginning …
The help she got from Song Yuyan was entirely due to jiujiu …
"Ha ha …"