Yuan Hui can pay the bill.

Lin Yi and Lu Ba are left in the account.
Real Liu Ba wants to say a few words with Lin Yi himself.
Lu Ba walked to the front of the prison car.
Before talking to Liu Ba, Lin Yi asked in a low voice, "Has the imperial edict of Liu Xiong arrived? !”
Chapter 25 A pot of poisoned wine (2)
Liu Ba looked at Lin Yi with guilt in his eyes.
Lu overbearing "arrived half an hour ago"
Lin Yi said, "Brother Lu can tell me conveniently?"
Lu Ba whispered, "Now the whole court is frying pan, and the emperor and the officials discussed it overnight. Finally, the emperor even gave me a life in a few orders. I must take you back to the capital for trial. If the road has an accident, you will run away or be robbed, it will be my head."
Lin Yi said, "I can’t run if I want to, and even if my friends in the Wulin have the heart to save me, who dares to rob me?" Besides, you have so many good soldiers in Athens, and whoever comes is a moth to the fire. Brother Liu can rest assured. "
Lu overbearing "Brother Lin said something from the bottom of my heart. I thought that I would help you escape if I had the chance. In the past two days, I also found various excuses to slow down my trip in the hope that someone would come to save you. But now I have to take you back even if I fight for my life. What I can do is to make you eat, drink and relax as much as possible. Brother Lin is sorry!"
Say Liu Ba face heavy toward Lin Yi hold a punch.
Lin Yi said, "Brother Liu, I know how much I have committed a crime. Brother Liu, you don’t have to feel guilty. Do you know anything else besides this purpose? Is the emperor like my relatives and brothers? "
Lu Ba just thoughtfully said to him, "I shouldn’t disclose the situation to you, but I respect Lin Xiong. I will tell you the truth. The emperor also ordered general Wei Chi to lead a navy to find the floating island. If you find it, you will capture all the people on the island. If you resist, shoot them. Killing Phoenix Liancheng really poked a hole in the sky. The emperor has to give officials an account to heaven and man …"
Linyi rice noodles twitch two
Although he had been prepared for all this, the time really came and made him feel freezing.
Now he is worried that Zeng Tengyun and them are also hard to get away from.
If you don’t run away, it’s a disaster
Lin Yi said, "Brother Lu, I beg you."
Lu overbearing "you say"
Lin Yi said, "Ask Brother Liu to send someone to inquire about the situation. Are my brothers escaped or captured?"
Lu Ba nodded and said, "Well, will you give your sword back to Zeng Tengyun?"
Lin Yi said, "Don’t send this point to rock the boat again."
Lu is overbearing. "Then I’ll keep it for Lin Xiong first."
Lin Yi smiled sadly and said, "Keep it for me … Angry officials, angry people and angry people. I’m afraid I can’t live with that sword. Liu Xiong, you can keep it as a gift from my friend."
Lu Ba also knows that Lin Yi had a narrow escape.
Lu Ba still said, "I’ll keep it for you first. Do you need anything else?"
Lin Yi said, "Bring me some wine."
Lu overbearing "I’ll send it to you in a minute. Don’t worry, the imperial edict is to give me the rest distance. My Lord Yuan Hui is responsible for escorting the remains of Phoenix Liancheng. I won’t let you suffer. If you need anything, just let me know."
Lin Yi said, "Brother Xie, I want to drink now."
Lu Ba made a big deal.
Soon two jars of good wine and half-baked sheep were sent to the prison car.