"Thirty million! !”

When I heard this number, I stumbled and almost fell! At this moment, Jiuzhong has forgotten himself and wants to vent his excitement. He kissed Shen Yue, Luan Er and Feng Dance Qiao face and then pulled up Wang Baobao to dance the tango in the box!
“……! !” Three women who were suddenly attacked by Jiuchong didn’t react at the moment and were stupid there!
"Thirty-five million!"
"Forty million!"
"Fifty million! !” The price soon exceeded 50 million, but there is still no point to stop. The war is still going on!
"Fifty-five million!"
"60 million!"
Nine excited feet will kick Wang Baobao flew to the table a Shen Yue to hold up, LUN LUN while singing "today I ordinary people really really really happy ~! Ho ho ho ~! !”
"Ah …! !” Shen Yue thumped with nine heavy powder fist while saying "let me … let me come quickly! Idiot … You are quick to let me! !”
"I am out of one hundred million! ! !” A box on the second floor suddenly someone bid way
Jiuzhong collapsed directly to the ground and was too excited. Instead, he calmed down and said to his arms, "Come to Yueer and pinch me to see if I am dreaming!"
"… dream you a big head ghost!" Shen Yue blushed and gave a 360-degree rotation pinch at the nine-fold waist!
"Oh ho ho-!" Jiuzhong suddenly screamed, "His mother is not dreaming!"
Jiuzhong a carp stood holding Shen Yue from the ground, put Shen Yue in the chair and then sat back in his chair, concentrating on the battle!
“……!” It’s really hard to see the nine-fold concentration of Shen Yue.
At this moment, I have just been kicked by Jiuchong to fly to Wang Baobao and climbed back to catch Jiuchong’s thigh. "Blades, why don’t you give me an explanation? !”
"Where the hell am I-!" Nine feet will become a pig’s head and Wang Baobao will fly out again!
The auction in the field continues. Now all the other boxes are closed, and the last two are still fighting for one box. After the auctioneer asked twice, the other box gritted its teeth and added five million!
However, the player in front of this box is determined to win this guild token. After hearing the price increase of another box, he stamped his foot and shouted, "I will pay 120 million! ! !”
There is no movement in this scene!
At this time, I saw that the professional quality came. The auctioneer squeezed his thigh hard and calmed down and shouted, "Is there a price increase of 120 million once?" Is there? !”
"One hundred and twenty million two times ever increase again? Is there anything else? !”
"One hundred and thirty-three million transactions! !” The auctioneer rapped the mallet in his hand!
At this time, Jiuzhong has recovered from the extreme excitement just now and handed the VIP card to Xia Dongdong. "Dongdong quickly went out to the corridor to watch for me and see who took the guild token!"
"white!" Although Xia Dongdong didn’t like Bai Jiuzhong, he ran out of the box quickly!
Shen Yue asked curiously, "What are you going to do? !”
Chapter 52 Killing people and pillaging goods
Nine evil smile "hey … guess ~!"
See nine heavy malicious smile Shen Yuexiu eyebrow is wrinkly to knit the way "you should not want to …? !”
Jiuzhong patted Shen Yue on the shoulder and said, "You know me!"
The last auction was settled, and the auctioneer announced that "the large-scale auction of Shengshi is over. Thank you for your support! Thanks a lot! !”
As soon as the auction was over, the bidders left after the auction house checked out. At this time, they went out to listen to the situation and Xia Dongdong returned to the box.
Jiuzhong quickly asked, "How do you know who photographed the guild token? !”
Xia Dongdong said, "I know who got the guild token, but I couldn’t get into their box when the guild token was sent in. I don’t know who it was!"
"I don’t know which group of people it is!" Jiuzhong patted Xia Dongdong on the shoulder and said, "Take me to recognize someone before they go far!"
When everyone left the auction house, Jiuchong told Shen Yue to go to Shengshi to check out and get back the 120 million gold coins from the auction house token!
Shen Yuewen smell speech complex eyes looked at the eye nine heavy way "… one hundred and twenty million is not a small sum of money, so you trust me to get it? !”
Nine heavy one leng, "what’s wrong with this? If you don’t trust me, who else can I trust? !”
“……!” Shen Yue took a deep look at Jiuzhong and didn’t say anything. He directly turned around and returned to Shengshi Auction House!
Jiuzhong told the others to wait directly at the general’s office, while he went with Xia Dongdong to find the gang who had captured the guild token!
The gang just didn’t go far from the auction house, and soon they found the target. Xia Dongdong pointed to the top of a dozen humanitarian "The boss is them!"
Nine key nods "ok, I know! Dongdong, go back, too. I’ll be OK with the rest! "
"Oh!" Xia Dongdong promised to turn around and go back to the general’s office!
Jiuzhong rushed into an alley to start the stealth function to eliminate his body shape, and then immediately jumped out of the alley to follow the gang of players with guild tokens!
Several people flicker in front of the gang and look at them with nine eyes. They are looking for them. The leader is as important as the guild token. It must be kept by the boss himself. To find out who they are, the guild token of the boss must be with him. Yes!
And the boss of this gang is so easy to identify. Jiuzhong recognized him without blowing off dust, which is the most pretentious thing to walk in this group!
This guy is quite young, only in his twenties, and he looks not bad. It’s a pity that his expression is a little annoying. Just looking at him makes people have an impulse to beat him up!
Nine corners of the mouth flush a sneer at "small sample looks born a pair of owe to kill like don’t kill you kill who? !” He was about to start work when he said Jiuzhong, but suddenly he noticed that there were several groups of people behind them who were deliberately hanging behind them and aiming at them with malicious intent!
Jiuzhong couldn’t help laughing. Boy, it’s not a fucking oil lamp! Actually, I want to go with the old man and want to kill people and steal goods! But it’s a pity that this is mine!
Thinking of this nine-fold flash rushing to the target player, the right hand is upright and exerting an inch of strength against the target player’s throat. The key point is to give a hard poke, followed by a finger and then a fist, then slam it, then turn the palm and push it. Finally, put your hands together, buckle his right hand and buckle his left hand. When you twist the crown counterclockwise, you will hear the "click" and the target player’s head will droop!
After the racial transformation and mixed fighting, the nine-weight speed has fully doubled. This movement has been completed in less than two seconds, and the target player who has been hit hard has been killed on the spot, but the accompanying players have not even noticed that they are still moving forward!
As soon as the target player hangs up, he drops a pile of gold coins and a swinging card from his dead body!
Jiuchong’s keen eyes saw at a glance that the card had just been taken away, and the token of the guild called "Yeah-! !” Before the gold coins and guild tokens fell to the ground, the wind swept all the leaves into the bag and immediately fled!
As soon as "Burst" was shot dead by Jiuchong, the player fell headlong to the ground. The player’s hand didn’t know what had happened, so he quickly picked him up. As a result, he was already dead!
"How … what’s the matter? !” The gang looked at each other and wondered what had happened. They looked around and shouted, "Who did this, Mom? Who killed our husband? ! !”
Behind this gang, they are waiting for an opportunity to make a move. Several groups are all stunned. When they learn that the boss of this group has died, they can’t hide their disappointment and then scatter!
Killing people and stealing goods succeeded. Nine-fold stealth sneaked into an alley near the auction house and reappeared. As if nothing had happened, he swaggered out of the alley and came to the door of the auction house to wait for Shen Yue!
When little Shen Yue came out from the auction house, he saw his face hard to hide and asked proudly, "You … succeeded? !”
"Uh-huh ~!" Jiuzhong secretly took out the guild token from his backpack and showed it to Shen Yue, then quickly put it back.
Shen Yue curious way "before you act … so sure can rob back token? !”