When they are more and more anxious, they will make mistakes and loopholes, and they will not care.

That’s Lazio’s chance!
Rafa Benitez’s Real Madrid contracted very hard in the face of Lazio’s attack, and almost all of them retreated to their 30-meter area.
Such a game is really unsightly.
Because Real Madrid let Lazio play at home …
Open top giants, giants among giants, when will Real Madrid be so down and out?
Soon, there was booing from Real Madrid fans in the stands.
Real Madrid fans are like this. When their team can’t win, they have to boo their team, regardless of how their team plays, whether it is good-looking or ugly, which has nothing to do with it.
When their team can win, but they don’t play well, they still have to boo their team.
When their players don’t perform well, they have to boo their players.
Anyway … They can always find a reason to boo their own people.
They call it "we are demanding" and are proud of it.
It seems that it is a glorious thing to be harsh on your own team.
But this is the reason why Changsheng disdains them. Apart from his feud with Real Madrid, this is also one of the important reasons why he doesn’t want to coach in Real Madrid.
When Mourinho was in Real Madrid, he led the team to break the monopoly of Barcelona in the first two seasons and successfully won the league title. He even led Real Madrid to break the "Dream Eight Curse" and reach the semi-finals of the Champions League for two consecutive seasons.
At that time, in the stands at the Bernabeu, "Song of Mourinho" resounded in every game.
As a result, in the third season, when Real Madrid clashed and the team’s performance deteriorated, Mourinho became the enemy of Real Madrid fans.
Coupled with the incitement of their own mouthpiece media, many Real Madrid fans think that Mourinho should leave Real Madrid and feel dissatisfied with him.
You can’t find a few such fickle fans in Europe.
Real Madrid doesn’t like to play for such people. No matter how much honor you try to bring, when they think you have lost your use value, they will immediately turn their backs on you and kick you away.
This is the style of giants.
In fact, Benitez has been under such pressure recently.
Two years ago, when he led Real Madrid to the league title and reached the Champions League final, the media and fans in Madrid praised him as the "God of Tactics". As a result, after he was eliminated from the top 16 of the Champions League last season, Benitez was immediately considered to be dismissed in the opinion polls.
Changsheng hopes that the fans of his team must support his team unconditionally and wholeheartedly, and he will never accept any criticism and slander from fans.
He believes that since he is a fan of this team, this is a matter of course. If you don’t support the team, what does the team want you to do?
Now standing on the sidelines, hearing the boos of Real Madrid fans, Changsheng pulled out a sneer at his mouth.
This is the Real Madrid fans!
But I really have to thank them, because their booing will make Real Madrid players more flustered, desperate and unbalanced.
These fans they hate, they are actually helping themselves … They are really the best 12th person in Lazio!
Sure enough, in the boos of Real Madrid fans, Real Madrid players began to get impatient.
They are no longer willing to carefully arrange the defense line at the front of the restricted area.
They are more willing to attack, tear apart Lazio’s defense and score goals!
After all, all the blood in Real Madrid’s veins is called "attack"!
Moreover, how can we shrink our defense and take the initiative to show weakness when the enemy is at present?
We must be tough and fight back!
Learn from juanito!
Real Madrid players think so, have pressed out.