"I know that eldest brother has some stereotypes about me, but these stereotypes are not as good as eldest brother’s attention to acacia! Otherwise, the eldest brother wouldn’t betray Qingmu Gong, but directly sent Chang Acacia to Qingmu Gong. "

At this point, he can conclude that Chang Luo really wants to be nice to Chang Acacia.
Xiang Fu finally got a look in the past and didn’t waste the time when Mrs. Chang treated Chang Luo as her own child.
Chang Luo wanted to refuse, but seeing Chang Xiang’s longing eyes and Feng Jiang’s martial arts were really average in his opinion.
Except for flying skill, he can be suppressed by toxin. If he meets his opponent, he may not be able to protect him from lovesickness.
Chang Xiangsi looked at him with longing eyes. "Big Brother agreed!"
He replied gently and continued to bow his head. His manners were very elegant.
Although she answered Chang acacia gently, she was still jumping for joy. She knew Chang Luo had agreed.
Feng Jiang’s clothes are also slightly relieved. In fact, he prefers to live together with Chang Luo, but Chang Luo is a brother who loves Chang Luo after all, and if Chang Luo appears, he will not be calm and not as good as them.
For Qing Mu Gong, betrayal is betrayal, no matter for what purpose.
Until the third day, the physical injury of lovesickness improved a lot, and at this time, they also began to prepare the baggage to leave Qingyun Mountain Villa. Forget it. At this time, Qingmu Gong almost thought of this place.
Chang Xiangsi took several sets of clean clothes from Sheng Han Lou and put them in the bag. He also took two sets of gowns from Chang Luo’s side to temporarily replace Feng Jiang’s clothes, all of which were packed in a bag. Feng Jiang’s clothes picked up the bag and carried it on his back.
Chang Luo also prepared a bag for himself, which also contained some replacement clothes.
Three people soon left Qingyun Villa and entered the export law.
When the sun sets, they go out of the law and look inside, but they can’t see the villa buildings. Everywhere they see, there are trees and mountains, and occasionally birds sing.
On a crisp autumn day, many prisoners who were sentenced to beheading after autumn were sent to the meridian gate for beheading one by one.
Zhang is one of them. At this time, Zhang is no longer Zhang.
In the past six months, her punishment in prison has been tormented every day, and all her unwilling hopes have been destroyed.
She has been waiting for her own son to get her out, but the jailer told her that General Bei Xuan had led troops to the border town to support her, even though it would take three to five years before she could come back after this trip, and she still didn’t know if she could come back.
Which means she can see her son again before she dies.
Zhang felt that he was so unlucky that he couldn’t even see his favorite son again.
Before the execution, Zhang was calm in prison, and she was too scared.
Every day is endless torture, and the old injury is not healed and the new injury is repeated. Now she is completely broken.
Those jailers use extremely high methods to torture people, and every time they leave you with a breath, you can continue to endure the daily suffering and live in pain and despair every day.
Later, she learned that the emperor would not behead her on the day when the truth came out, but would stay in the autumn and behead her. It was during this period of time that she was tortured and made her miserable.
She tried to commit suicide several times in prison, but every time when her last breath was left, she was found by the jailer and brought back to life to continue to suffer daily pain.
What she wants most in prison is not to leave, but to die so that she can escape all the pain.
Now Zhang is no longer a high-ranking woman, but a lot older, thinner and wrinkled.
That long black hair is now mostly gray and messy, and it looks like an old woman!
When the supervisor beheaded the official, Zhang returned her muddy eyes and searched in the crowd until she saw the tall figure in the crowd. Zhang suddenly laughed.
Bei Xuannuo, even if you divorce me, you still don’t worry about me, right?
After all these years, even though there is no marital friendship between husband and wife, I still gave birth to a son for you to have a queen!
Without me, you have nothing in Beixuannuo!
When several executioners waved their broadswords, blood splashed out and several heads tumbled at the same time, including Zhang’s head.
Zhang’s head rolled several times before she stopped. Her muddy eyes were still open and she was staring at the front lip corner. The smile still remained, and it looked even more weird at this time.
In the crowd, Bei Xuannuo sighed for a long time that Zhang had come to this step and it was time for him to let go of all his resentment.
Zhang’s death in Nangong was rewarded.
When I think back to the Nangong sentiment, Bei Xuannuo still blames himself and feels guilty. If he hadn’t loved the Nangong sentiment with all his heart, she wouldn’t have been killed.
Bei Xuannuo sent his hand to collect Zhang’s body, and found someone to find a good place for Zhang’s geomantic omen. Let people bury her and keep it. When Bei Xuanyu comes back, there is still a place to sacrifice Chapter 388. Whoever betrays him will die!
After all, Zhang is the mother of Bei Xuanyu. No matter how outrageous Zhang’s mistake is, Bei Xuanyu can’t break it.
On the day when Zhang was beheaded, the second aunt in the house was unbearable and itchy, suffering from an abscess and hitting the head of the bed. She was obviously desperate.
It was only when Lilac, the maid who served her second aunt, came on time to deliver food to her that she found that her second aunt had bled to death.