It is Zhu Jinglun’s habit to take pains to explain his thoughts and ideas to Chen Qiyuan. It is not that he patiently explains, but that he hopes to influence the thoughts of these officials.

Chen Qiyuan may not really believe it, but he understood that these people have not disobeyed the emperor’s consciousness.
What effect can these things get when they are sent to newspapers? It’s hard to say whether they can recruit enough excellent enterprises. To be honest, it’s just that enterprises don’t worry about opportunities, such as Krupp. They don’t worry about business in Germany, so the motivation for them to go abroad is really small. It’s an emerging industry like Simon. Maybe they are more willing to consider one.
Let this matter go, and Zhu Jinglun will be interested in the future.
Chen Qiyuan found out that in this era, Japanese people are not so strong in confidentiality, so he just asked them to get out of the words.
This group of Japanese is the president of the mission sent by the Japanese shogunate, Chang Min Sano, the vice president of the Senate, and others, such as Takanobu Kanyama and Shibusawa Eiichi.
However, this mission is very loose and has not been officially awarded, so the main reason for being considered as an informal mission is not that the Japanese don’t understand these facts every day. The Japanese invited the German Wiener and their consultants to bring quite a few exhibitions this time, such as a giant Buddha and a golden killer whale.
However, the Japanese shogunate was probably worried about dealing with foreigners, so the mission had no diplomacy, and their main purpose was to learn.
They brought with them "seven students and workers from various industrial disciplines", who will stay in Europe to study after visiting the World Expo. For example, Chang Min Sano, vice president, will go to Britain and the Netherlands to inspect the navy and industry; The official Qing studied in London for three years; Shinriki Yamataka studied French and ironmaking techniques in France.
Zhu Jinglun couldn’t help but be surprised by Chen Qiyuan’s news that he had been sending overseas students every day after the Reform. I didn’t expect that it had already happened in the shogunate period. In the shogunate period, some arsenals had been established, and the foundation was much stronger than that in the Qing Dynasty before the Foreign Movement. Plus, they had always learned from Lan and learned from Japan, and the Japanese knew about the western world as far away as the literati in the Qing Dynasty.
"They have no military mission?"
Zhu Jinglun wondered that he specially asked Chen Qiyuan to pay attention to this problem. He knew that the emperor died in January this year, and the new succession was to rule the emperor. This guy has gathered a group of opposition groups to the shogunate, which has been going on for a long time. It is normal for the shogunate to send a mission to the West if it has a military mission.
Chen Qiyuan shook his head, but he suddenly said, "I heard them say that a man named Fukuzawa Yukichi took people to the United States to buy guns."
Because Japan’s door is the United States, but they are particularly close to the United States, their military advisers are mainly hired from the United States
Zhu Jinglun nodded. "Send a message to the ambassador to the United States to tell them that these Japanese people can help as much as possible. After all, are they friendly neighbors separated by water?"
Chen Qiyuan nodded. He really felt that it was nice to meet people who were familiar with the eastern countries in the Yi people’s place, although it was a group of Japanese pirates. If he was in China, he really didn’t like these people, but it was difficult for him to have a good impression on them in the Yi people’s group.
If it weren’t for the aggressive policy pursued by the Japanese, the Japanese people’s impression of the Japanese was good. Even though the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 was beaten by Japan, the Japanese literati were stimulated instead of hating Japan. Later, the Japanese public opinion in the China-China War was one-sided in support of Japan.
After winning Russia that day, several China people cheered for Japan from their hearts. At that time, they regarded the Japanese victory as the victory of the yellow race, because the victory at that time really proved that the yellow race was no worse than the white race, which made many people’s psychological clouds clear. It turned out that their own race was not born bad. It was originally necessary to work hard and the yellow race could win.
The same is true in China. Before Japanese people had a natural affection for Japanese people, it was when they faced white people. For example, when they learned that Britain had defeated the Qing court, some Japanese samurai even wrote a story in which they described that Japanese samurai helped the Qing army counterattack Britain and reached London to capture Victoria’s fat girl alive.
The Manchu Dynasty’s response to the failure of westerners in Japan not only showed them that foreigners were powerful, but also made them feel sorry for the failure of the Qing court in general.
Similarly, feelings also occurred in other countries, such as Vietnam, and the emperor also wrote many comments. Although he was very contemptuous of the Manchu army, he also expressed his desire to see the victory of the Qing Dynasty
This is actually the natural affinity of race, just as white people tend to form a United front in China, they naturally have a sense of affinity. Unfortunately, the main responsibility for the unfortunate combination of the yellow race law in East Asian history lies in Japan.
It was a war of aggression against China that completely turned China and China into feudalism. On occasions, even in sports competitions, Japanese audiences must be on the opposite side of.
Japan not only invaded China, but also colonized Korea. Later, China broke out wars with South Korea and Vietnam successively, which led to the contradictions among the yellow race in the 21st century.
But in this era, Chen Qiyuan will not hate even if it despises the Japanese.
Zhu Jinglun is different. He knows too well what the Japanese will do. Even though this era may not happen again, he naturally has a bad impression on Japan. He says that he is helping the Japanese, but he is actually planning to cheat them.
He asked the ambassador to the United States to help the Japanese. What did the Japanese do to help the Japanese? The Japanese bought arms, of course.
"Tell the Japanese that the quality of our artillery is also good. If they are interested, our artillery can be restricted from exporting to them. If there is no money, we can also borrow money."
Zhu Jinglun added that he felt that American artillery was just like that, and all the technological achievements in the Civil War were brought to the soldier factory by Ellison.
The European and American newspapers have long been connected to the fact that the European newspaper to Asia has also been revised. The newspaper from London to Singapore is a British hypothesis, while the newspaper from Singapore to Guangzhou is a big hypothesis, and the major newspapers have also extended to Qingdao and Dalian.
Two hours later, the ambassador to the United States gave back the news. The whereabouts of Japanese in the United States were not kept secret, because it was rare for several newspapers to follow the Japanese in this era.
It was easy for them to find the Japanese Fukuzawa Yukichi in Washington, DC. He did come to buy arms, but the money they brought was too little and they wanted too much. It was not smooth to negotiate loans with the Americans.
At this time, the big minister found them and told them that they could also sell cannons and borrow money. Of course, the Japanese would not refuse to suppress the rebellion. Now the shogunate is desperate.
Japanese people have a big appetite. They hope to borrow 12 thousand silver. They plan to equip 50 thousand people with rifles and cannons.
Zhu Jinglun wouldn’t have done this deal if he hadn’t deliberately ruined it. Because of the current situation of the shogunate, everyone knows why the Bank of America didn’t dare to lend them money. Isn’t it because they were afraid that they wouldn’t get the money back after defeating it?
Zhu Jinglun is determined to help the shogunate to continue to rule, and there is no hope for this country without the central government.
So he agreed to come at once, but it was a huge sum of money, and even Guangfu Bank could not take it out at once.
However, Zhu Jinglun thought of the British bank family, the Bahrain family and the Rothschild family, who had already contacted the great ambassador to Britain. They hoped to meet the great emperor at the end of his visit to France and Britain.
Bankers want to find Zhu Jinglun for business, of course, but I don’t know why they decided that they needed a loan. Now they can introduce the Japanese guest to them first.
"Let the British minister go back to those bankers later and ask them if they are willing to do a good business."
After deciding to support the shogunate, Zhu Jinglun, the Paris-Japan mission, was not very concerned, because he knew that this was not a formal mission, and that the representatives were not the Japanese government or even the shogunate. Although most of them were ordered by the shogunate, they all came in their own names, and even the shogunate’s vassals claimed to be independent in Iwangping.
Others, such as Sano Chang Min, came to the mountain with a fat former vassal, Gao Xin was a soldier, Song Fan was an extras, Shibusawa Eiichi was the territory of the shogunate directly under Musashi State, and others were the ministers of the Tokugawa family. It is really hard to count these people as official missions, so it is meaningless for Zhu Jinglun to contact these people, but they will come to the palace to meet Zhu Jinglun because they have already made an appointment later.
I don’t remember anyone else, Zhu Jinglun, but he was impressed by Shibusawa Eiichi, who was called the father of Japanese modern enterprises.
His family is Musashi’s country, Haonong, which is a Japanese noun. It means that his family is a farmer but rich. Their family owns their own land and runs a business, which is the first in the local village.
I don’t know if it is such a businessman background that Shibusawa Eiichi later gave up the senior position of the Japanese government’s Ministry of Finance and went directly to do business.
During his travels in the west, he highly praised the western business model, founded more than 500 enterprises in his life, and greatly popularized the western-funded mode in Japan.