At this time, all the puzzles that have plagued Zuo Jingjing for decades have been solved.

Then came Qingqing’s revenge.
Zuo Jingjing calmed herself down, and then she said to Ling Nie, "Brother Ling, I have to go. I have something important to do."
Ling Nie put on his mask again and said, "Jingjing, you also take care. If you have a place where Ling Dage lives, you can say that I’m close to my family now. You and Chaoyang are my family now, and Chaoyang has worshipped my teacher. In the future, I will also give him the floating island to make up for my debt to your sister. I’m sorry for her …"
Ling Nie’s words came from the heart and made Zuo Jingjing’s mother very moved.
Zuo Jingjing said, "Brother Ling, I heard that people from all three sects are looking for you. You Shaolin can’t be underestimated. You must be more careful."
Lingnie proudly said, "They all want me to die. They also have to have that thing. Even if the golden nine buddhas come together, I will be stupid enough to wait for them to kill me. Don’t worry, I will be fine."
Then Ling Nie asked Zuo Chaoyang to send his mother out.
Zuo Chaoyang sent his mother out.
Zuo Chaoyang asked if there was anything unusual about the left master guarding the mill.
Four people said that everything was normal and there was nothing unusual.
But they didn’t know that at the moment, Lin Yiyin’s mill was behind a tree a few feet away from the left. Although Lin Yi could hardly hear the mill talk, he saw Zuo Chaoyang and knew that there must be an unusual person in the mill.
Lin Yi decided to wait for the middleman in the mill to come out and see who he really was.
Zuo Chaoyang accompanied his mother for a while.
The mother and son talked low as they walked, and the four masters of Zuojia followed them and looked around with constant vigilance
Zuo Chaoyang said, "Niang is the most suspected Qin Tang according to my master, but there is a little confusion. Xiangmei took porridge to the door and saw that menstruation was dead next to Qin Tang. Then she screamed and ran away, but Qin Tang’s martial arts function made her run away easily? Unless she is no less successful than Qin Tang, but she is a girl and her kung fu is not so high … "
Zuo Jingjing felt that things were not so simple when he heard this.
Zuo Jingjing said, "We’ll try your method and come back."
Zuo Chaoyang said, "Mom, if I prove that menstruation was killed by Qin Tang, don’t move and give him to the child."
Zuo Chaoyang is worried that his mother will be in danger when the time comes.
Although I’m crazy to look back, martial arts is very terrible.
I didn’t expect Zuo Jingjing to say to him, "If it is confirmed that he killed you and menstruation killed him, I can kill him myself."
Zuo Chaoyang said, "Mom, although I have a friendship with him, he is, after all, I am not a relative, so this great hatred will be reported to you. Don’t let the child do it?"
Zuo Jingjing said, "I don’t care if I say no! Don’t you even listen to your mother? "
Zuo Chaoyang wondered in his heart, but when he saw that Niang was angry, he said, "Mom doesn’t dare to get angry."
Zuo Jingjing looked at the son and wanted to say something awkward. Finally, she said, "You always report to menstruation Qiu Niang personally for her. You don’t worry that it is difficult for others to kill and hope to return, but it is easy for Niang to kill him. Your grandfather, who was a friend and a deputy leader of the Southern Alliance, won’t prevent me."
Zuo Chaoyang said, "My child listens to my mother, but my child wants to play. After all, this method was invented by my child and I don’t know whether it’s a try or not. I’m worried about an accident."
Zuo Jingjing thought, "So you can teach me to let you in in the evening, but you have to listen to your mother. Can’t you get it straight?"
Zuo Chaoyang Road "The child is white"
Zuo Jingjing said, "You don’t have to send me back. Yang Er, you must be more careful. Your master is so crazy that he sucked Longhai’s blood in public. If the three sects know that you are his apprentice, you will be dragged into trouble …" Zuo Jingjing sighed. She is very worried now. She added, "You’d better advise him to go back to the island and move to avoid disaster."