Li hongzhang unwilling to hate tunnel in my heart

He doesn’t like the man’s arrogance, but he is going to Li Hongzhang for ten years to see the so-called "foreign innovation" of the Qing court struggling step by step, and the forces of all parties are constantly consuming a lot, while the man’s control of that area is a national strength, especially in the past year, every month, young talents have broken through the limit and entered the ranks of the powerful.
Li Hongzhang can see this, and those "wild" people who are strong in heaven have seen this. They are not stupid. They have taken advantage of the Qing court, but they dare not "mass-produce" the political and military enemies of the strong in heaven.
"When the time comes, heaven and earth are all working together to transport heroes, they are not free!"
It was the Huai army that was ordered to take the initiative to attack the "weak" Fuxing army, but Li Hongzhang gave birth to this sad negative emotion before the war.
"Just didn’t come, even if it’s not bad for them anyway." Li Hongzhang was very nervous when he saw the general trembling, and seemed afraid that he could not help but sigh.
At this time, Li Hongzhang suddenly heard the noise outside. It seems that there are many people quarreling. His face suddenly became cold. "What’s the matter? People dare to make noise outside!"
Li Hongzhang is the commander-in-chief of the Huai army and runs the army strictly. He never forgives those who violate military discipline.
A soldier rushed in and looked pale. "No, my Lord, the soldiers have mutinied!"
Li Hongzhang changed his color and the army mutinied, which is serious. He quickly got up and walked toward the outside. As soon as he got out of Shuai Camp, he saw young soldiers surrounded outside. Many of these people were elites in his Huai army.
Seeing so many familiar faces, Li Hongzhang was a little relieved to know that the soldier said "mutiny" was an exaggeration. He came to the young soldiers with a straight face and said coldly, "What’s the matter? So noisy!"
When the soldiers saw Li Hongzhang coming forward, it was quieter, but everyone still showed dissatisfaction.
"Hong Yang, what do you think is going on!"
When Li Hongzhang saw that the people stopped talking, he pointed to a young man and asked.
Hongyang looked at Li Hongzhang’s eyes with some awe, but his heart wanted to talk but he drowned out the fear. Hongyang breathed a sigh of relief and summoned up his courage to hand over. "Adult Fuxing Army is a strong man, and the strong people emerge one after another. Even the ice Taoist and Tang Mengyun are afraid to face the Fuxing Army. Let’s deal with the Fuxing Army. Isn’t this a death!"
"Yes, adults even dare not come to the strong. What if we go?"
"I heard that there are more powerful people in Fuxing District than the six ranks of our Huai Army combined, and there are countless sixth-order strong people!"
"We can’t die in vain!"
Those young people were all excited at once, noisily saying
Hearing these words, Li Hongzhang knows very well that they are worried about human nature. Although young people are soft-blooded, they are stupid to die.
"If you are worried about strength, the official can tell you that we are no less strong than Fuxing District." Li Hongzhang smiled and waved his hand. He knew that if he didn’t explain clearly, I was afraid that these hands would really mutiny, so his words were softened to avoid arousing their fears.
When these words came out, those hands all quieted down and looked at Li Hongzhang. Although they didn’t speak, they all had doubts in their eyes.
In the face of these people’s suspicion that Li Hongzhang had to reveal his card to stabilize the morale of the army, "You can rest assured that this time the British attacked the Fuxing Army in the south and sent 20 strong men from heaven to join our Huai Army, in addition to 100 strong men from the sixth order."
Chapter one hundred and seventy-nine It was defeated ten years ago
It’s very ugly to rely on foreign soldiers to help suppress the reputation, but in this situation, Li Hongzhang has to pull the foreigner’s tiger skin out to prop up the field, otherwise these soldiers of fortune in tourist trap, who have been revived by the army, would have collapsed without a fight
Li Hongzhang said, "Avalokitesvara has taken away almost all the powerful places in the Fuxing District, and the elite of the Huai Army has to get the help of the British to sweep a virtual Fuxing District. It’s just a matter of lifting your hand. This is your chance to make contributions. Isn’t this official clear enough?"
As soon as this word came out, his hand really gave a sigh of relief, knowing that the attack on the Baath Army was really not sent to their death by high-level officials.
"Come on, let’s go. I can read you what you know today. It’s not an example not to pursue it." Explain that Li Hongzhang’s look suddenly became serious and ordered these people to disperse and have more troubles.
"Quickly dispersed and delayed the disposal of military affairs!"
These young people know that they can talk at this moment and say
The young Huai troops were separated one by one.
However, the anger of most young generals has not dissipated.
"It’s ridiculous that the British people have ruined my Chinese family, and our Huai army has to deal with our compatriots with these British people."
A young man turned and walked a few steps, and suddenly he was angry and growled.
Although he deliberately suppressed this sentence, he didn’t go far, but young people heard it, and suddenly their eyes showed grief and indignation.
"Alas, the morale of the army is scattered, and so is the heart."
Li Hongzhang looks at these hands, but they are mixed hands. The martial arts strength of these people is definitely many times higher than that of ten years ago. But ten years of peacetime and ten years of herding sheep have been soaked in the Qing court officialdom for ten years. These people have long lost their former heroism and just mixed up and died.
He sighed in his heart
"It is impossible for this feudal army to defeat that man and create a modern army brainwashed by nationalism and militarism."
Li Hongzhang can have such a view because he has been peeking at that man for ten years. In a sense, he is his biggest fan.
After the department dispersed, Li Hongzhang returned to his official residence to push a frame to hit the back compartment and then took out a heavy wooden box.
The wooden box is full of what the man has done in the past ten years. The information department is full of books and documents.
The biggest enemy in my life over the years, Li Hongzhang’s "heart" Wang Lei is better than his own heart.
It is said that these sets of "martial arts broadcast gymnastics" were the first set of "easy to learn" when the man recruited a large number of fighters and absorbed "Prussian broadcast gymnastics", which was developed after long-term discussion between Chang Dong and western martial arts seniors, and the ruling goal of folk martial arts forced the people in Fuxing District to practice martial arts.
In addition, there are dozens of articles such as the detailed explanation of "human body’s tendons and collaterals", "Lin Miaoshan told you that you should save yourself when you are possessed" and "the so-called martial arts moves are just a combination of more than 100 basic moves", which are martial arts introductory papers.
These are the "martial arts literacy" methods that the man worked out in the past ten years and forcibly promoted the "basic achievement method" to China.
In addition to these, there is a list of recorded martial arts, with a total of 160 martial arts names listed in many ways. The man either grabbed or exchanged or created or bought some lists of "beginner martial arts techniques" from various schools in the West or China. Because of the large number and low-level techniques, Li Hongzhang did not receive them, so his names were recorded here.
Of course, Li Hongzhang disdains these low-level martial arts, but for those "stupid people and stupid women" who have never been exposed to martial arts all their lives, they have helped them to open another door to the world.
These techniques are all annotated in great detail, and the words should be simple and easy to understand. It is not difficult for a literate person to become a second-or third-order master after ten years of hard work.
These things in Fuxing District are almost a "literacy book" for everyone to see, but these things in the Qing court-controlled area make the court tremble with fear
The man so maliciously flooded the Qing court with martial arts at the beginning of the martial arts, which was both fear and fear.
A demon queen from Tungustar’s Qing government knew very well that once the Qing court developed a folk martial arts atmosphere, it would be the end of the Qing court. She tried desperately to stop these books from flowing into Fuxing District, but she couldn’t do it at all.
People learn martial arts, people are soldiers, and the revival army can do Tatar Qing, but it can’t do learning, so it will die.
Chivalrous martial arts violate the ban. It is reasonable to say that martial arts in the man’s ruling area are so rampant that there should have been a great chaos. In fact, there is the best place in the whole Qing court and even the whole Far East for public security. Those martial arts practitioners who have learned a little martial arts dare not be Hu Fei. They all honestly perform their duties.
The reason is that stronger grass-roots organizations have been established in Fuxing District to regulate and control the actions of these fighters.
These things are part of the box.
In addition, it seems that this category is agronomy "Shouwu Planting Manual", "Golden Doll Artificial Breeding Manual", "Millennium Ganoderma lucidum Artificial Planting Acceleration", "Golden Snake Breeding with Great Precautions", "Indigenous Method to Make Great Return of Dan", "If the Qi is used to select seeds and breed", "Precautions for Artificial Synthetic Ammonia in an alchemy furnace" and "Composting Feng Shui" and so on.
It seems to be farmhouse science, but if you know that these things are good for ordinary people, you can increase your skills. After the process of "natural materials and treasures", you will not underestimate these things.
And these things came from all the great families and sects, but they were robbed by that man by various means, and then he called talents to think about Guangyi to improve them and then printed them into forced promotion
Compared with those "low-level achievements", what really scares Li Hongzhang is another pile of articles written by Wang Lei.