(Collection 126 always clicks on 3613 always recommends 232. Finally, please give me some comments when you write comments. Now the comments are mostly the same. I really don’t know who to give it to. Please! Ji! )

Chapter 42 barter
The old man who is young is conscious of playing a jade box carefully.
At the moment when the lid of the box was hit, there was a slight light coming from the edge of the box, and the old man felt a aura coming on his face, and the horse filled the whole room.
After the jade box was finished, I saw a palm-sized Ganoderma lucidum placed in the jade box.
Although ganoderma lucidum is palm-sized, it has three leaves, each of which is round and firm to form a faint halo.
The old man looked at Ganoderma lucidum in the jade box, and his hand trembled slightly, and he couldn’t help mumbling.
"It’s a three-leaf ganoderma lucidum. It takes ten thousand years for ganoderma lucidum to form a three-leaf ganoderma lucidum."
Yang Xiu felt that when a beautiful woman sitting in her arms saw Ganoderma lucidum, her breathing became shortness, which was not shocked by the myriad elixirs. It was really beyond the resistance of the monks in Tsukiji or Jiedan period.
Yang Xiu unhurriedly took the cold fish teacup and gently filtered the lid of the teacup, taking a sip of tea.
Hearing the faint sound of Yang Xiu filtering tea, Tong Yanma came to her senses and carefully put Ganoderma lucidum back in the jade box.
In fact, it’s no wonder that the old man with a child’s face is out of shape. It’s not that he hasn’t seen something more valuable than the panacea for ten thousand years. The old man with a child’s face has been practicing in the fake Dan period for nearly 30 years, but so far he has not been able to reach the real Yuanying realm.
This time, I just want to have a chance at the Delong Fair.
And Yang Xiu took out the elixir of ten thousand years, which can help the old man with a beautiful face break through the fake baby. How can he not be rude?
Tong Yan’s elder went on to make another jade box.
In this jade box is a "nine-leaf grass". Nine leaves are all feet long. Each leaf is as straight as a sword and green, and contains Ganoderma lucidum with no less spiritual power than three leaves.
As the name implies, nine-leaf grass is a kind of herb elixir with nine leaves on one stem.
Nine-leaf grass takes thousands of years to sprout and grow a leaf, and then it grows a green leaf every thousand years. When it grows to nine leaves in ten thousand years, it will stop growing, and its value is even higher than that of Ganoderma lucidum.
This time, the old man was psychologically prepared and didn’t lose his manners again.
After carefully checking the nine-leaf grass, the old man who is young is eager to say to Yang Xiu.
"These two strains of Daoyou are well-preserved elixirs for thousands of years. I wonder if Youyou are going to auction?"
Yang Xiu heart have dispute smell speech immediately.
"I’m going to exchange these two ten thousand-year-old elixirs for an attacking antique at the auction."
It’s normal to barter in the fix true world auction. It’s not surprising that the old man heard Yang Xiu’s plan.
It’s some old people who lost their virginity who came to buy babies first.
However, it stumped him to hear Yang Xiu say that he would exchange ancient treasures. Although he also had two ancient treasures in his hand, it was definitely not enough to exchange them for these two ten thousand-year-old elixirs.
In fact, if the old man is young, Yang Xiu is likely to agree to the deal. After all, the risk can be minimized.
"How did the auctioneer decide?" Pack up the old man lost and asked again.
Usually, the auction of Lingshi is calculated according to the percentage of Lingshi after the auction, and the auction flow is not counted.
However, barter is easy to flow and the auction process is complicated, so there are several different algorithms for auction.
The first is to hand it over to the auction, which will decide the ownership of the auction things according to the general direction of the employer’s requirements.
In this way, the auction is based on what percentage of the final exchange is worth.
In this case, it will be possible to auction quickly and avoid the auction, but it will not necessarily guarantee whether the exchange is suitable for the monks, especially the exchange of magic weapons and other weapons, except to meet the requirements of the monks.
For example, the friar took a thing and said that he would exchange a magic weapon and hand it over to the auction for handling. The auction will definitely guarantee to exchange it for you. It must be the highest level among all things, but it is very likely that you are a fire attribute skill, but you will get a look at the top magic weapon of water attribute. Although the level is high, it can’t be achieved.
Of course, this is the simplest example, and the actual situation is extremely complicated
In the end, this situation arises, and the monks go to the auction to choose and decide what they like.
Although this method avoids the problem, it also brings a lot of trouble to the auction, which often leads to the auction being kept going because the monks never see what they want. Later, when the monks choose this method, they have to pay another sum.
At the moment, the old man asked Yang Xiu how to decide the auction, which means Yang Xiu wants to auction.
"It’s up to you to do it." This is what Yang Xiu has thought about these days. This is also what Yang Xiu wants to do when he plans to auction. After the whole thing, he directly takes things and leaves, with less contact and less risk.
Anyway, Yang Xiu is a soil-based physique, and general weapons are metallic. There will be a certain bonus when the gold rises.
And restraint also has wood attributes, but most of the wood attributes are protective or auxiliary, and the attack category is the least of all attributes.
"Daoyou, these two 10,000-year-old elixirs are more precious. We plan to announce them for five days and then auction them at the first auction. I wonder what you think?"
In fact, the old man wanted to find something to exchange for himself for a few days. Since it is so important to him, he certainly won’t let two elixirs slip away from him.
Yang Xiu wanted the sooner the better, but he was afraid that it would be abnormal to say it. He nodded in agreement with "good"
Yang Xiu didn’t stay to talk about it, so he turned a big circle and went to the square again. Is there a place surrounded by obstacles on all sides or is it a soil-hiding technique?
This time, I saw that the ultimate fantasy array was dangerous. This time, Yang Xiu didn’t have any gods. Look at it and slowly integrate his land. Yang Xiu planned to stay here until the end of the fair, so that even if Delong Sword Sect wanted to find someone, there was no place to find it.
"How is Brother Tang?" In Yang Xiu just now, the old man who is young and beautiful is asking a middle-aged Hankou who is carrying a sword behind his back.
Han, known as Brother Tang, shook his head and said, "After all, I was promoted to Brother Yuan Ying. It didn’t take long to follow him. He may have any scruples. He didn’t tell me anything. I followed him far and saw him enter a rockery, but I lost sight of him. I want him to be a line higher than me."
It turns out that this heavy-browed man is already a monk in Yuan’s infancy, but he doesn’t know the old man who is a child and what he is. A fake monk in Dan’s period will call a monk in Yuan’s infancy a younger brother.
"Alas, what can I do? These two ten thousand-year-old elixirs are very important for me to become a baby. I don’t know how long it will take to meet this time." The old man who is young is very lost and sighs.
"In fact, the sects also cultivate a lot of ten thousand-year-old medicinal materials. If you talk to Uncle Fang about it, he may not give it to you. After all, Brother Monk got a ten thousand-year-old elixir in the fake Dan period. It is stipulated by the Sect that he can’t let other disciples see chilling in front of so many disciples." Brother Tang advised the old man who was young.
"I’m still able to stay in the sect now. If I really do something that will make him uncomfortable, even if he gives me the elixir, I won’t hold a grudge. We deliberately calculated that it would be no different from death if he was held a grudge by a monk in the fitting period." The old man shook his head.
"Brother Ye, don’t worry, your eyes were mine in those days. I have always remembered that I will find a way to help you change to medicinal materials and make you form a baby." This is called Teacher Tang. I want to know the grievances between the old man and Fang Shishu in those days. Can the old man still stay in the sect now or is someone else naughty enough to make trouble now? It’s a bit too much to want an elixir. Just now it’s just a fluke.
(Just now, when I was in the new chapter, I suddenly saw that the "heavenly fairy" rewarded a flower and finally got excited! Being original is here. Thank you! )
Chapter 43 unimaginable
At the moment, Yang Xiu didn’t know that the old man of Tong Yan sent a friar to follow him at the early stage of Yuan Ying, and he was still playing the idea of the two ten thousand-year-old elixirs.
Because the aura fluctuates during meditation practice, Yang Xiu slowly absorbs the aura at the edge of the square near the final fantasy array of Delong Sword School.
The operation of the ultimate fantasy array will require a lot of aura. Even if some people feel aura fluctuations, they will not doubt that a monk is practicing hard.
Five days is also a moment for practitioners.
Today is the auction day of the two ten thousand-year-old elixirs. Although Yang Xiu can’t enter the auction hall, he still wants to know the auction situation as soon as possible.
Therefore, Yang Xiuqian carefully escaped from the ground in a hidden place and came to the auction hall nearby, pretending to wander around patiently waiting for the auction to end.
At this time, there is still a quarter of an hour before the auction.
At the entrance of the auction hall, the elder brother Ye and the younger brother Tang are anxiously watching.
Brother Ye said to Teacher Tang with a sad face
"Teacher Tang’s auction is coming. Do you think he will not come today?"
In fact, Teacher Tang’s heart is also a little uncertain, but it’s still comforting
"Brother Ye, don’t worry. It’s not a trivial matter to trade two ten thousand-year-old elixirs. You should come and see a specific transaction in person before you can rest assured. I think he will arrive soon."
But brother Tang’s comforting words didn’t have any effect. Brother Ye was annoyed.
"If he really doesn’t come today, he won’t get the medicine, and even Teacher Tang’s piece of Taiyi gold essence is a wave, which makes me feel at ease."