The villagers said that the temple was caused by the divine power of the great dead, but Li Feiyang intuitively recognized it.

This mysterious sense of oppression gave him a deja vu, just like facing Big Mani that day, but it was different from Big Mani.
In addition to the heavy oppression like sea water, the big Mani has a touch of light, strange and gloomy, but now this oppression is as light and mellow as sunshine and then as deep, but it makes people feel vaguely comfortable and peaceful.
Li Feiyang’s heart holds a little caution mixed with a little awe.
He finally determined that this temple must be close to Li Jingyao or stronger than Li Jingyao.
It is Li Jingyao who gives people the feeling that he is tyrannical and overbearing and sweeping the sky, while the mysterious and strong temple is full of alcohol and gas.
Of course, but judging from a person’s momentum is the root method to determine whether a person is the evil place …
Walking to the front of the temple, a huge sandstone statue came into view. It was in the middle of the temple hall. The statue was almost flush with the top of the temple. If you want to see the whole, you need to look up.
There are huge wings behind the sand sculpture face snake god, and the body is covered with a thick layer of scales. Some heads have sharp noses, eyes and ears are small, and the forehead protrudes high. There is a sharp one-horned head with fierce light in his eyes, and his arms are thicker than holding a pike in his hand.
The sand sculpture is full of mystery and majesty with a dark blue light.
Li Feiyang feels that this statue seems a little familiar, but I have searched my mind but I can’t find a god with this kind of shape.
At the entrance of the main hall, an old man was sweeping the floor with a broom made of branches and wicker in his hand and gently wiping the ground.
Li Feiyang feels a little funny that sand is in the sea. What is this sweeping method to sweep?
Take a closer look at Li Feiyang’s heart and feel a little surprised. All the sand parts are more delicate than fine sand. I don’t know how many people here have swept and swept for how long, and even combed all the coarse sand parts and left thin fine sand.
Li Feiyang looked at the old man with his head down and didn’t know anything about sweeping the floor. He felt a little admiration in his heart.
The old man is wearing a simple coarse robe without ornate decoration. His skin looks very dry because of the years, and his body is thin and weak.
In this person, I can’t feel the fluctuation of breath, even the residents of the dark forest are not as good as watching it and feeling like an ordinary person.
Li Feiyang’s arrival did not disturb the old man. Obviously, because people often come here, the old man has no curiosity or interest in strangers.
Walking to the door, a slight Li Feiyang cast a glance back. Not far away, a light blue shadow stood gazing deeply at Li Feiyang’s direction.
Mu Zhuoqing insisted on coming, but Li
He was not allowed to know that he was in the right place according to normal logic at this time, but Mu Zhuoqing said that if he could not rest assured that Nai Li Feiyang would make some concessions to let her coordinate himself in the distance.
In fact, Li Feiyang thinks that since Da Mani chose to stay for himself, he will not hurt himself.
"A clear mind is more important than anything else. God can trust us, but it can’t solve all our troubles. If you have something, please ask yourself more."
Li Feiyang just buried his foot in the temple gate and immediately took it back.
Set turned and looked at the still bowed their heads and sweeping the floor Lao Li float in the sky frowned.
"I said this to everyone who entered here for the first time, but they didn’t want to find the answer to their fate by themselves. They didn’t even bother to stop and think about it. You were the first one …" The old man stopped and looked up to reveal a kind smile.
Li Feiyang returned a smile and saluted, "I don’t know what the younger generation Li Feiyang called the older generation?"
I always look up at the sky and my thoughts seem to drift to a very distant place in an instant. "I can’t remember … people call me Sweeping Mani. You can also call me that. I’m me. I’m not sweeping Mani. What’s the difference between sweeping Mani and sweeping Mani?" Sweeping the floor Mani is still a face of smile, but Li Feiyang’s heart suddenly jumped and almost shouted out.
His heart was pounding, but his face remained the same. "Master, are you kidding?"? Sweep the floor, Mani, or Sweep the floor, Mani? This seems to be the same meaning … "
Sweeping the floor Mani smiled and waved his hand. "I am me, I am not me, you are Li Feiyang, and you are not Li Feiyang. How can it be the same?"
Li Feiyang’s eyes narrowed. He felt a chill rush from the heel to the top of his head. Unconsciously, he licked his lips slightly and suddenly became a little dry. "The master said it was too abstruse."
Sweeping the floor Mani looked at Li Feiyang’s eyes for a long time and stopped talking. Although the old man felt threatened in front of him, Li Feiyang had an extremely absurd feeling as if his insides had been seen by him. He couldn’t help but quietly step back and swallow. "What is the master looking at?"
"I see your confusion and fear … you are looking for your true self, but there has been no direction ~ ~"
Sweeping the floor Mani said that he looked up at the sky again. "Do you know what this means?"
"What? !” Li Feiyang couldn’t help but blurt out "Master, are you also crossing?" In that case, I still held back after all
Sweeping the floor Mani ignored Li Feiyang’s gaffe and turned to look at the statue in the hall. He raised his skinny arm and pointed to the statue and smiled. "He said that many people mean that heaven and earth are cruel and heartless and treat everything like grass dogs. What do you think?"
"Er … in fact, this means that everything is equal in the eyes of heaven and earth, and there is no difference or distinction between high and low … it is precisely that heaven and earth are kind …" Li Feiyang casually replied that this sentence is not complicated for him. I have read it many times before and I am familiar with its meaning.
Sweeping the floor, Mani’s face showed a little admiration. "You are also the first person in the dark forest to find yourself. Whether you are the same to heaven and earth … is the same to you."
Li Feiyang finally lost his temper. He tentatively asked, "Master … Do you know anything about me?"
"I see confusion in your eyes, but I also see clarity. You must firmly believe that you choose to find the direction of your heart … Besides …" Sweeping Mani raised her hand and pointed to the statue of the big dry day. "Don’t trust him. He can’t give you direction … and he is a liar. If everything is equal, why should he stand here and be worshipped by thousands of people?"
Li Feiyang was really shocked. He didn’t expect Monk Mani at the temple gate to tell the truth that the drought was a lie, and he didn’t expect the other party to say a few words casually, which seemed to see through his identity and thoughts!
"Master … you …" Li Feiyang was about to speak but was interrupted by sweeping Mani. "Don’t ask me to ask yourself … if you find the answer, maybe I can give you some advice …" Sweeping Mani said that he would ignore Li Feiyang and continue to sweep the floor with a sigh.
"This lie has been standing here long enough … and it should be dust to dust …"
Li Feiyang looked at the sweeping mani without saying a word. After a long time, he gave the sweeping mani a slap in the face and then turned and walked into the hall.
Chapter 162 The shadow of the dead sky
Disadvantages of fate Chapter 162 The shadow of the dead sky
Zhuoqing didn’t drink the resurrection soup. Li Feiyang certainly won’t give her a drink. Since she has passed out, she can recover slowly here, so wait.
The next day, the villagers all said that Li Feiyang and Mu Zhuoqing had become one of them, and their attitude was actually worth pondering.
From their own point of view, they are very willing to let Li Feiyang become one of them. After all, Li Feiyang’s strength is there, and from their beliefs, isn’t it the will of the Great Drought God that Li Feiyang is involved in the Dark Forest?
But they know that life in the park is painful, and the sacrifice is to be free forever. If a free man wants to face this, he will certainly bear it.
For Li Feiyang, their feelings are mixed.
The temple is located in the center of the fifth floor of the Dark Devil, which is the only decent building in the Dark Devil’s Forest and the largest magnificent scenery.
The whole temple sand is cast in the outer layer, and there is a faint streamer rotating to protect the circular roof at the top of the sand temple. One tall column supports the top, and the center of the top has five colors of brilliance shining, even if it is far away, you can see the top light.
This is the guidance of the Great Drought God that the people in the Dark Forest can resist the sacred sacrifice again and again, and this magical five-color brilliance is of great significance.
The bare roof is the whole temple stretching for hundreds of feet, and the length is dozens of feet, which is much larger than the modern church. Many Li Feiyang is far away: | There are mixed feelings in my heart with the light of the dome of the temple.
He felt that there were many powerful smells in the temple, even though there were hundreds of meters away, the huge power had made people feel breathless, and besides this power, there was a strange mysterious oppression that was finally attacking Li Feiyang’s heart.
The villagers said that the temple was caused by the divine power of the dead sky, but Li Feiyang intuitively recognized it.
This mysterious oppressive feeling gave him a sense of deja vu, familiar as facing Big Mani that day, but different from Big Mani.
In addition to the heavy oppression like sea water, the big Mani has a touch of light, strange and gloomy, but now this oppression is as light and mellow as sunshine, and then it is just as deep, but it makes people feel vaguely comfortable and peaceful.
Li Feiyang’s heart holds a little caution mixed with a little awe.
He finally determined that this temple must be close to Li Jingyao or stronger than Li Jingyao.
It is Li Jingyao who gives people a sense of tyranny and bullying, but the mysterious strong in the temple is full of alcohol and gas.
Of course, but from a person’s momentum is the root method to determine whether a person is just evil …
Walking to the front of the temple, a huge sandstone statue came into view. It was in the middle of the temple hall. The statue was almost flush with the top of the temple. If you want to see the whole, you need to look up.
There are huge wings behind the sand sculpture face snake god, covered with a thick layer of scales. Some heads have sharp noses, eyes and ears are small, and the forehead protrudes high. There is a sharp one-horned head, and the fierce arms are thicker than holding a pike in his hand.