However, Fukuzawa Yukichi compared the big education to the Japanese temple house education, which found a theoretical basis for him to crack down on the big reform to some extent. His purpose was to maintain the correctness of the Japanese reform, and he was worried that the Japanese government and the people would be greatly affected and return to the old education road.

However, the great defeat of France embarrassed Fukuzawa Yukichi, the youngest son. Many cultural scholars who still have a good impression on Confucianism sent a document asking him why the temple house defeated France instead of Fukuzawa Yukichi’s "constantly adopting western sharp weapons" to defeat the white people.
Fukuzawa Yukichi kept a low profile for a while, but after he became nervous with the United States, he became active again. He encouraged Japanese government to take advantage of the bad opportunity of "making friends" with the United States to find opportunities to "transform North Korea."
Section seven hundred and thirty Not already?
It’s a very passive thing for Japan’s ports to be profitable. North Korea does have a big port to exercise, and North Korea dare not refuse. The problem is that North Korea’s port facilities are too backward and there is no coal. Warships can’t listen. It’s useless to finish adding coal. Russia can build Vladivostok port, but the Russians obviously can’t let the ambassador:
In this case, one of the big navies chose to rent a coal tanker not to enter the Japanese port, but to load coal in the port by the coal tanker and then transport it to the sea to replenish warships. Only in this way can we successfully cross the ocean barrier law, the Russian-Russian war, and the Chinese and Russian ships did the same.
At the same time, the diplomatic activities were also held in other places. The most important thing is that Britain has the ability to intervene in this war
I’m not worried that Britain will join forces with the United States to attack, but if the British navy intervenes, it will bring great trouble to Canada, and Britain has great motivation to intervene, because once it fights with the United States, Britain’s trade with the United States will be affected, not to mention that Canada will be threatened.
In addition, Canada has the same problem of Chinese exclusion as the United States, which makes Britain and the United States have common interests
Let Hurd be directly responsible for the "diplomatic relations" with Britain. Zhu Jinglun asked him to keep Britain neutral.
Hurd reported that Britain did not want to see a war with the United States, but the main consideration of the British was not Canada, but that they wanted to keep their military strength in East Asia. They believed that once they fought with the United States, Russia would take the opportunity to go south.
Britain is still defending itself against Russia.
However, Hurd said that if we really want to fight the United States, Britain will not intervene in the war, and he is confident that Britain will remain neutral.
The reason why Hurd didn’t say that Zhu Jinglunji could guess that the United States’ ambition for Canada has never stopped, and it is true that there are such a group of pro-American members in the Canadian parliament who think that Britain is too far away and the United States is closer. It is more beneficial for Canada to strengthen its trade with the United States. The prospect of trade between Canada and the United States is far better than that with the British Empire.
However, most Canadian parliamentarians are still royalists who are more pro-British, but American attempts are always a problem.
Moreover, the industrial strength of the United States also makes Britain afraid. They are worried that Canada will be annexed by the United States sooner or later. The high tax in the United States also makes Britain unhappy. Once, the United States laughed at 40% of British industry, but after the Civil War, the United States greatly raised taxes and exported more than half of American industry.
If a country comes out at this time to weaken the United States and Britain, why should it stop it? What’s more, Dasi has become too powerful, threatening Britain’s control in the Far East. The mutual weakening of these two potential competitors is the greatest maintenance of British hegemony in the long run.
However, Hurd believes that if there is a war with the United States, Britain can’t support the big occupation of American territory, especially the western part of the United States. Britain can’t accept that big countries gain a foothold in the western part of the United States. First, annexing American territory will make big countries too strong. Second, Canada can guarantee more security.
Therefore, this is likely to be a big territorial war even if France wins. The biggest purpose of launching a big war is, of course, to let the Chinese continue to stand in the western United States, and where to stand is to protect the interest chain of the Great America. If France gains a foothold in the western United States, it will start from the beginning
Zhu Jinglun told Hurd to continue to stabilize the British ultimatum. If we don’t fight this battle, it will become a joke. Who will take it seriously after talking?
Although diplomatic activities with other European countries are in a secondary position, they are also going on at the same time.
France is the second most important country. The war with France ended only a few years ago. France maintained a foothold in Vietnam and lost its actual control. It would be strange if the French were happy. They are the most likely to unite with the United States against the great history. France has also allied with the United States, mainly to help the United States against Britain until the Napoleonic era. Instead of helping Napoleon fight, the United States took the opportunity to annex France in Louisiana, a North American colony. At this time, the long-term natural alliance between the United States and France ended.
I still hope that France can help France, but as long as France remains as neutral as possible, even if France makes war money, sells weapons and helps the United States to raise funds, it is generally acceptable that France does not send troops directly. The strength of the French navy should not be underestimated. Once it is given the geographical advantage, it is hard to say whether the big navy can reproduce the victory of defeating the French army.
Activities and explorations were also conducted in Germany and Russia, but the atmosphere in these European countries was very relaxed, and the American envoy was also in contact with other countries when the ambassador moved around. However, people generally did not believe that the American envoy wanted to keep friendly with Europe and held various dance receptions, and even the ambassador invited him. Obviously, he understood the ambassador’s moving around as a smoke bomb as a kind of pressure and a "force" to force the United States to give up the Chinese Exclusion Act.
If war does break out in the end, Americans don’t think European countries will help. After all, they are white countries with the same language and species.
Although Germany and Russia don’t recognize that the activities of "diplomatic relations" with foreign countries must represent their determination to fight, they still took this opportunity to tell them that Germany should focus on China or North Korea to acquire colonies, while Russia demanded that they should not obstruct their port establishment in Huludao.
Germany’s demand is definitely not allowed, but Russia’s demand can be considered. Even if Russia is proud in Huludao, what if they occupied Lushun in the past and were not taken away by Japan in the end? If they are big and stronger, they will still be able to master the words and let the Russians run them before they can run them. They can be driven away at any time.
Therefore, the big minister relaxed his tone in his contacts with Russia. In principle, he did not object to the economic activities of Huludao by Russia, but he never promised to build a military base in Huludao by Russia.
At this time, the Russian talents really decided the war.
Although he hosted the diplomatic activities outside, Hurd was very upset. He was preparing for the war, but he was not prepared for the war himself. This time, unlike France, he was not fighting at home, but actively attacking a white country.
Every time he insisted that France declare war on the Great War first, did he really want to declare war on the United States first this time?
Once Hurd made such a decision, he led a yellow country to impose war on a white country. He didn’t know what impact it would have on himself, but he felt scared. He felt that he could not afford this moral responsibility. He was still a white man.
"Do we really want to fight?"
He hesitated to ask Zhu Jinglun for instructions. The longer he stayed in big officialdom, the more he became like Chen Zhiting in the past. He paid more and more attention to the emperor’s attitude. However, Chen Zhiting finally developed into a confrontation with the emperor. Obviously, Hurd’s influence and support in big officialdom was far less than that of Chen Zhiting’s root method to unite the whole bureaucracy. Instead, he used the emperor’s power to suppress the bureaucracy everywhere.
Zhu jinglun was very suspicious. "haven’t we already fought?"
Hurd’ fan’ asked, "We haven’t declared war yet?"
Zhu Jinglun sighed, "I, our ultimatum has made it very clear that once the United States passes this crime, it will declare war on the Great War. Now that they have forcibly passed the bill, haven’t we automatically entered a state of war?"
Hurd was extremely shocked. Now the whole world is waiting to see if he dares to declare war. As a result, the emperor thinks that the two sides have entered a state of war. What an oolong!
The pressure dropped in an instant, and Hurd felt that the gas was getting thicker. He felt suffocated. The war had already broken out, but everyone was in a dream, including Hurd, and the emperor was so light that he was afraid.
His fear is that he, the prime minister, is still making diplomatic relations without knowing that the war has already started.
According to the law, the emperor has mastered the Ministry, and I’m afraid he has secretly ordered military action, and he has been completely excluded from the power center
However, he has a great doubt that since he has won the war, why hasn’t he mobilized
If it is only the simple transfer of active troops that keeps him in the dark, he can still imagine such a thing as war mobilization, and he is not aware of it at all. This argument makes no sense
He couldn’t help asking cautiously, "But don’t we mobilize for war?"
Zhu Jinglun shook his head and said, "You don’t need to mobilize if you don’t fight the United States!"
Hurd completely understood that he was really excluded from the center of power. Whether he was a foreigner or not, he was disappointed.
The military strength of the United States is not strong, and there is no standing army, with a standing army of 600,000. Moreover, after two years of fighting with France, an army like 600,000′ elite’ veterans really does not need to mobilize active troops to fight the United States, which is a heavy blow to the United States.
However, there is still one thing he doesn’t seem to think about. It seems that this war was caused by the failure of his diplomatic relations with the prime minister, which caused the current tension. But when he looks back, he suddenly finds that it seems that the emperor wanted to fight this war from the beginning.
"There’s one thing my ministers don’t want. Why must they attack the United States?"
Yes, why do you want to fight America?
Section seven hundred and thirty-nine at this time into the lowest.
Section seven hundred and thirty-nine at this time into the lowest.

"Chinese people should show the La Liga pattern" wrote a well-known reporter from World Sports.

It is also a compliment to Sun Yao. When Sun Yao faced Barcelona, he also attributed it to the young man’s luck. After this game, he has completely recognized Sun Yao’s ability
"This is a world-class performance!"
In fact, Europeans and Americans are a little disdainful of Chinese people. They think that East Asians can’t play football well. With the gradual rise of Ri and South Korea, they are disdainful to the country.
Of course, it’s different in Spain, and Spain still thinks that Koreans can’t do it either. One is that Koreans don’t take the technical route. The other is that Spain was still dissatisfied with the fact that they were eliminated by the South Korean team in the Ri World Cup in Korea years ago. That game made Spain die really unjustly, as well as Italy.
Anyway, there is nothing to say about these things, but Sun Yao’s performance has indeed changed. Many westerners’ prejudices against Chinese people are slowly changing, although they are not large.
Sun Yao has been here for more than a month, and he has completely adapted to the Spanish environment, and his heart has gradually settled.
The environment here is not bad, it is very good for players, whether it is the tax rate or the media. Of course, those hexagrams are inevitable, but Sun Yao has gradually abandoned those things
There were some messy reports when I was unfamiliar with this place, which was actually due to their prejudice against Chinese people. But at least now, almost all the media in Valencia have given Sun Yao a thumbs up.
This is not the treatment that ordinary people can get.
But Sun Yao really carried forward a Lei Feng J and NG God here. Sometimes even helping the old lady cross the street will be photographed by the media and praised by the media.
Everyone is happy, j: ng, and your state is good, and your voice is everywhere.
Sometimes, if your grades are not good, I’m afraid the media will try to dig up something for you.
Adding fuel to the fire, which has always been the specialty of the media, is of course a good fire or a bad fire
Finally, I returned to Villarreal, where the fans have been waiting for a long time. Many players took the initiative to go to the fans’ area after the bus stopped, and the fans signed a photo.
At this time, you must be with the fans. There are not many fans in Villarreal, which depends on the small population base of this small town, but in proportion, people here have a surprisingly high love for football.
Otherwise, it would not be possible to have a team that is well-known in the world in such a remote town.
Villarreal Football Club is also the pride of the people here.
And Sun Yao has gradually been recognized and loved by fans in this city; Sun Yao is extremely popular here, and sometimes the boss doesn’t charge for going out for a meal. Of course, Sun Yao still gives money consciously. After all, Sun Yao is not short of money once the new contract is signed.
For things like money, Sun Yao didn’t want enough.
Moreover, Sun Yao often sends some money home to make his parents’ lives better. The annual salary of 190,000 euros is not low in La Liga.
Recently, it has also been reported that Real Madrid’s Higuain is going to renew his contract with the team. You should know that Higuain’s team is the number one player, but his annual salary is the lowest in the first team, only 150,000 euros, which is lower than that of Sun Yao now.
Of course, Higuainma will succeed in renewing his contract. After the contract is renewed, his salary will certainly exceed that of Sun Yao. According to media reports, it will triple and eventually reach 450,000 euros. Of course, it is neither 450,000 euros nor more than the annual salary of the team’s new aid to replace Zema.
At present, the biggest failure of Real Madrid in the four major transfers at the beginning of the season is the French king. Others, including Cristiano Ronaldo and xabi alonso, have shown good state. Kaka has occasionally suffered several injuries, but it has no great impact on the whole season.
Of course, who can say for sure?
Just like when Sun Yao was in China, even if he renewed his contract, Sun Yao paid a lot of annual salary, while Villarreal also paid a lot of annual salary in Sun Yao. At that time, many media said that this was a luxury trip for a club that was extremely poor.
It’s definitely a high-paid imbecile to sign a national team with such an annual salary.
But in just half a season, Sun Yao slapped those who were not optimistic about Sun Yao’s prospects in Spain.
One goal after another, and one victory after another, made Sun Yao successfully change the loan contract into a complete transfer, and added a full one to the annual salary of the new contract!
This is what many people didn’t expect, but after this period, the media called again, but this time they praised Sun Yao for renewing his contract.
"The annual salary of 190,000 euros is so good!"
"His value will continue to rise and will not stop!"
"Incredible player!"
Sun Yao’s constant crazy performance has made more media and more people pay attention to him
His popularity has been soaring, and even some good news media and netizens in China have nicknamed Sun Yao.
In particular, many people like the nickname "little", and there are many stars.
For example, when I first arrived in Higuain, I was given the nickname "Little Smoker" by junior students. Last season, his real Madrid teammate Holland Luo was also given the nickname "Peter Pan", which is somewhat similar to some basketball stars, but when people call such nicknames, they will be recognized at once.
Now, if Lionel Messi, the king of Barcelona, is called a "little flea", it is not a particularly domineering nickname, but he can clearly say the characteristics of Messi playing football; His teammate Xiao Bai Iniesta; Also, C Ronaldo also has a junior nickname "Ronaldinho". Although this nickname was given to him when he first entered the football world, it is rarely seen at present, but he also said that C Ronaldo was super talented and there were many stars named Ronaldo.
When people gave Sun Yaozheng a nickname, it was the’ junior’ nickname that really occupied the wind. The two nicknames of the’ junior’ were the’ little monkey’ and’ Little Dragon’.
It’s really a little retarded nickname, but despite being retarded, Sun Yao has accumulated some popularity.
Of course, there are many other people with high popularity, such as the nickname’ Sun Dadan’, an extremely vulgar nickname, which also talks about Sun Yao’s losing strength and daring to attack and fight hard on the court
There is also the nickname "Sun Dasheng", which makes Sun Yao a mythological figure.
And that’ little monkey’ also has a moral from Sun Wu, a mythical figure.
What’s more, he directly moved Sun Wu to the comic book and gave him the nickname "Super Saiyan". After Sun Yao saw it, he had an impulse to dye his head yellow.
It’s really cool to wear a bright yellow Se sports hairstyle and dye it yellow Se. But if Sun Yao really dares to dye his father, he will be cool.
Sun Yao grew up with a long hair, and his grandfather didn’t want to have a capable short hair all the time. It was after he came to Spain that his hair gradually grew a little longer, which made him look more chic on the court.
But if you dye your hair, Sun Yao really dare not for the time being, but he is really willing to keep trying new images and dresses during the competition. Because you wear the same team during the competition, you can show tattoos or new hairstyles to steal the limelight if you want to be independent.
Like David Beckham, in fact, David Beckham is not bad, and like Sagna, it is more explosive.
And Sun Yao is also looking forward to one day when he can be selected as one of the top ten hairstyles in Football Day.