After talking about the family, Tang Qing once again sank the gods into the jade slips. This time, he didn’t have the patience to look closely, as if a reader reading a novel on the internet had swept by leaps and bounds. However, all those experiences of cultivation and growth were ignored by him, and the parts that were related to him were carefully read, carefully written down and deeply impressed in his mind.

"The land where I live is called Dongling Mainland. It is said that there are other continents on this planet, which are distributed in extremely distant places. "
"My ancestral gate is called Five Yuan Zong. This clan door is a mess, and the surrounding clan doors are also a mess … "
"… my practice speed soon far exceeds that of my fellow students, and far exceeds that of other monks. But I have five spiritual roots, which is obviously the worst qualification. Why is this? "
"Maybe, because I’m from outer space? Regardless of this, the faster I practice, the sooner I will return home. "
"After a hundred years of marriage, Zongmen was proud of me and made me the new elder, but I didn’t know that my ambition was not here. Sooner or later, I will leave quietly and embark on a journey home. "
"The baby, in my mind seems to be a lot more, some pictures and so on. What does this mean? "
"Zongmen War, five Yuan Zong was almost removed. I was lucky enough to escape because I was looking for opportunities outside. "
"It’s not advisable to stay here for a long time. Since I have to inherit from ancient times, I’ll take Xuanzi away from home. The seal on Xuanzi’s body needs at least Yuan Ying’s later period to be lifted. I don’t have enough cultivation now, so I can only take pictures slowly. "
"The original transfer matrix, it is no wonder that can cross the continent to use gourmet LingShi. If you don’t get a few in the inheritance, this seat can’t inspire it yet. Well, this is all due to Xuanzi. I hope I can help him as soon as possible. "
"Here is the tidal light mainland, is an excellent place to practice. Since we have this opportunity, we should practice hard in order to achieve something. "
"It turns out that all the Taoist and Buddhist works in my hometown are true, and even the nine-character mantra is a truly usable magical power … So, the name I took is worthy of the name."
"Yumenzi predecessors’ advice, for a day. I can hardly believe the speed of profit. I can’t easily show my talent. I’m a man of two worlds. If I don’t wake up, I can’t make it. "
"A handful, self came to this world, it has been hundreds of years. Has the starry sky in my hometown changed? My wife and children, Youzi, are struggling in samsara. I need to practice to deification as soon as possible, and then I will break Xuanzi’s seal and be more sure. As long as you can get the complete inheritance … "
"God, this is the time for Xuanzi to lift the seal. For hundreds of years, in addition to improving my cultivation, I have deliberately practiced the way of prohibition. Although this seal is difficult, it has been difficult for me. "
"… so that’s it. So my identity is-the messenger with a mission."
"There is still a long way to go to collect the five spirits and make them one, and you can get the supreme Tao, which will be immortal …"
"But … why do I have a bad feeling … where does this feeling come from?"
"Still don’t want to these, I can’t stay in one place. Now that I have successfully cultivated, I need to travel around the world to find the rest of the Four Spirits. Besides, five Yuan Zong and I are kind and should understand this cause and effect. "
"For the increasingly profound, I have traveled all over the world, but there are no clues to other four spirits. Let’s go back to Dongling first. "
"… destroy his legacy engaged, after five Yuan Zong. My killing is so deep and sinful. "
"… Dongling, mainland also have no clue. Besides, according to Xuanzi, the five spirits are likely to be distributed in all continents. In that case, let’s go back to the tide light. Last time I saw something strange in that chaotic place, I might as well explore it. "
"… the battle of the spirit demon is like genocide, and these people are actually practicing such magic power, and hundreds of millions of people are miserable. The spirit has a long way to go, and it is not a day’s work. Since this seat has been given a destiny, what should we do? "
"… Yihua countries have settled down, and they respect me as holy. Hehe, these people don’t know. I’m actually just a poor man wandering in a foreign land. I’ll leave seven masters as the supplement, and each of them will preach the native land skills to show my heart. It’s just that the fate is natural, and the mind can’t be mistaken. Leave the imperfections to since the enlightenment, the successor, to be the right way. "
"… the fruit here is reserved for the cultivation of the upper bound, and it is used to suppress magic objects. I got the eye method of surprises, but it’s a remnant. I don’t know why. Anyway, the purple-core Lei Zhu I got from the Magic Sect can just be planted here, and it can also help it after years of absorbing the magic gas. "
"Purple-core Phyllostachys praecox is a heterogeneous species in ancient times. It needs to absorb two spirits before it can become. If it is allowed to grow naturally, it will take a thousand years to become a bamboo, two thousand years to produce thunder, and three thousand years to make the initial progress of life. It is really too difficult. According to the records of the devil Sect, if this bamboo can grow for ten thousand years, it can not extinguish the thunder, and all the gods and demons will retreat, and the power can be regarded as the lightning that destroys the world. However, at the speed of my practice, not to mention ten thousand years, within a thousand years, if I don’t try my best to suppress cultivation, I will fly away. At that time, where can I find the magic gas to nourish this thing? "
"Well, I will eventually break the boundary, or die on the way. This thing comes from this, is used for this, and ends the cause and effect. The latecomers will get it. If this bamboo is finished, it can be used to forge a mine-rolling knife array, which is also a marginal method. "
"… my cultivation is getting deeper and deeper, and I have lived for nearly one thousand years. Today, I am no longer the young boy at the beginning, but an old ghost with terminating hands covered with blood. "
"The old should go to other mainland, looking for the rest of the four spirits. People in their native land are still struggling to survive. I don’t know how many good people have been harmed by evil people. I can’t stay here for long. "
"… the endless sea has stopped me. I’m going to … Highland Mainland. "
"… the more profound the cultivation, the worse the feeling. What is it for?"
"… a long journey, the old single swift boat, across the endless sea, to another continent. Is the first … No "
"People in the upper bound have come here, and there will be no such leisure, and the law of transmission will be arranged between the mainland. In that case, who left those formations? Old some … Too arrogant "
"The old man’s practice is smooth, but he has lost his caution. This is a big taboo."
"… indeed as expected found traces of the rest of the four spirits, wood spirit in the hands of a man named Xiaoyao San. He is also a spirit. "
"… easy to hurt me, but killed by me. Jin Benkemu, besides, I have a variety of Taoism in my hometown to help me. Although Xiaoyao is slightly better, it is not my opponent. "
"… this seat will be free and unfettered residual soul search, understand too many things"
"… originally, it turned out to be so original, this seat is not accidental, but there is an invisible hand to control the original, the so-called spirit, it is very likely that it is a slave."
"I X" Tang Qing saw here, suddenly let out a scream, Huo Ran.
Chapter four hundred and fifty-six: The road of the forerunner’s crossing
Chapter four hundred and fifty-six: The road of the forerunner’s crossing to the website.

Nine months-chattering.
Nine months-chattering.
Note: The following contents will be sour. Please prepare a handkerchief …
Before I knew it, Chuang Jiang was nine months old.
Using people as metaphors.
If you use birth as an example, there is still one month, that is, the pregnancy is over.
If you were born last year, there will still be one month, that is, the end of breastfeeding.
If you use a pig as a metaphor.
Nine-month-old pigs are tender and fresh, suitable for slaughter.
Nine-month-old sows are physically mature and can give birth …
Appropriateness and inappropriateness, nine months, all indicate that the pioneer finally has the embryonic form of a novel.
What I want to say is: It’s time to make achievements …
I won’t talk about the journey, and the ups and downs are in my heart.
With your company, you can often pick a few fresh fruits among thorns.
I stumble, but I am firm. Hard work, but no lack of fun.
Thanks to all those who need to thank …
Let’s talk about the content, just a few words.
There is no big difference from the plan. At the end of the fourth volume, the picture of the brave warrior will basically unfold. I believe that friends who have seen it all the way have already understood this idea.
This part of the chapter is very critical recently, and the old gun is also very hard to write. Linking the past with the future, what should be explained should be explained, and what should be buried should be set properly.
What I am pursuing is that famous people with surnames should try their best to explain everything, even if it is just a sentence. The so-called coming and going, the beginning and the end, and the letter of the letter, that is.

"What does the Lord Lin look at so engrossed?" See Su Shiyuan walked to come over towards yourself. Chu Lin evoked a lip angle and smiled. Then he took it out and carefully wiped the sweat for her.

The face and skin look thin, as if they would be broken with a little force. If you look at her like a treasure, you will hold her in your arms and then help her sort out the messy hair on her forehead.
"Look at how versatile I am, Xiaoyuan." Chu Lin answered truthfully. He felt that the woman in his arms was like a treasure, and every day he brought fresh words and things to himself, which he could hardly explore.
"I’m sorry if you like to praise me!" Su Shiyuan smiled and her face was really red.
"Husband said is true Luca brasi son where did you learn these? Piano, chess and martial arts strategy seems that you can "Chu Lin’s words fell and cast an expectant eye. Su Shiyuan suddenly felt guilty and embarrassed, and came out of his arms and wandered around the courts with a quick smile.
"Husband, why do you think of asking?" Su Shiyuan couldn’t think of a good answer at the moment, haha with him.
"Nothing is that you and your sister grew up together, but you can’t even master her." Chu Lin revealed the key, and Su Shiyuan suddenly thought of how to answer him.
If you tell him that you are not a native, don’t scare him to death! I’m sure the more I explain it, the more I can’t explain it. Su Shiyuan patted his chest. Fortunately, he has lived here for a long time, otherwise he will definitely sweat more when he reveals his flaws!
"So that’s it. Maybe you don’t know that I’m not a prime minister’s mansion middle school. I met you in the Woods for the first time, and I’ve learned a lot from Xiaoyao Gate for so many years. Su Zhimo was carefully cultivated by her mother since she was a child. She had long hoped to train her into a lady and marry her into a palace to be an empress in the future." Su Shiyuan answered these truthfully.
"She didn’t want me to learn a lot of things, and I didn’t want me to overshadow her daughter. At that time, my father was often neglected by the emperor of Qin, and all the time he didn’t care that I would live without a lady." Speaking of this, Su Shiyuan felt a little ashamed that he was really naughty like a monkey when he was a child, and he did everything to dig out a bird’s nest and climb trees.
I never thought baking a potato in the wild could capture the sweat of a beautiful man!
"Luca brasi, you have suffered too much before and will treat you well after your husband." Su Shiyuan didn’t?
Su Shiyuan didn’t expect these words to say that someone’s heart was sour and long, and her long arm once again circled her in her arms and her jaw touched her hair. She seemed to feel his warm breath.
Su Shiyuan shyly nodded at the sincere words "Let’s go to Deyuanlong after breakfast"
Although Zhang Ziyan hasn’t given an account to the emperor’s master in Chu, Chu has already infiltrated the spies and found out their details. It’s really not easy to know that Deyuanlong is their restaurant. It’s really necessary to prevent it.
Besides, it’s impossible to avoid future trouble forever at this time. Su Shiyuan slept well last night, but today she woke up before dawn, and that’s what she was thinking about.
It’s really chilling to think that Xianer’s events were vivid yesterday.
"good! Be sure to find out at this time. "Chu Lin quite agreed and nodded. Last night, he had thought of a way to deal with the spy.
At this time, the government has prepared breakfast for two people and simply ate some, then rode out of the palace and went straight to Deyuanlong.
"The two of us usually stay in this room most often, so let’s put this Yu Pei here." As usual, the two of us entered the restaurant together because it was still early, and there were not too many people in the restaurant.
Su Shiyuan and Chu Lin once again came to the room in Chu Lin yesterday and took out a brocade box from the bosom. Su Shiyuan nodded and took it and put it on the table where they had dinner yesterday.
That is, Xianer at this table was poisoned by drinking the sour plum soup by mistake, and Su Shiyuan hated the wicked man more and more at the thought of it.
Chu Lin set up a sound insulation array at this time, and the people outside could not hear the conversation between the two people. At this time, Su Shiyuan said that the door of Chu Lin’s neck was open, and people just could see this scene.
From a distance, it’s an intimate couple talking about something, and the guys here have long been used to it, which seems to be a bit habitual.
But at this time, a man’s eyes are particularly deep and he has been looking up at the two people.
Su Shiyuan and Chu Lin left the room in tandem after putting Yu Pei in place. They still went to the special kitchen to study new dishes as usual, and these guys all knew that it would take some time for the two bosses to come out because it was always like this.
"Someone will gather everyone here!" Two people just went in a little while and then came out and walked towards the room. Chu Lin looked at the slight footprints on the ground and evoked a smile on his lips. Then he leaned towards the floor and said
It is precisely because of this that there are not many people eating at this time that we can have the opportunity to gather people together.
At that time, when people heard Chu Lin’s words, they all walked quickly towards the other side. Soon, people were already here, and the three floors of love were full of people. Fortunately, this room is big!
While Su Shiyuan is sitting at the table, his slender white hands are still in that position yesterday, which is in fresh contrast with the solid wood table. It seems that his hands are more white and almost transparent. Su Shiyuan has placed a red brocade box at hand, and the guys found it incredibly like this.
"Boss, what do you want?" A man took the lead in asking.
Chu Lin slowly sat down in the chair next to him and turned to look at Su Shiyuan. Then he reached out and picked up the red brocade box at her hand. "It’s no big deal. Yu Pei suddenly disappeared here. I wonder if you saw it when you cleaned it?"
After hearing this, everyone looked at each other and shook their heads and said they didn’t see it.
Shi Chu-lin said euphemistically that they had already cleaned when they came here. Generally speaking, business people are very taboo to sweep the floor when they get up early, and they usually clean it when they close late. In fact, they have never been to this room at all.
"It’s still early, and it seems that I haven’t come to the second floor for dinner yet. Since I haven’t seen it, someone secretly took it." Su Shiyuan’s tone was slow but cold, and the guys were immediately circled.
"Boss, we really didn’t take it. You must believe us!" Restaurant guys are explaining that they don’t know how to prove their innocence at the moment.
In fact, they think the two bosses are really nice people, and they don’t treat them badly when they eat and drink. They don’t say that if someone needs money when they are in trouble at home, they will always help them enthusiastically.