"wang qian visited Lian’s home and saw your mother’s natural and graceful, gentle, and everyone in the Guo family knows that it’s a reasonable person. How can a reasonable person disrespect her in-laws and even a young lady has not set up a disqualification to have no education?"

And even the family knows that this time it is unreasonable to add this Guo family. Although it is not an official, the official in front of the rich can’t help but bow his head. At that time, he went out to avoid rumors and attacked Guo Xiue. Just say that Guo Xiue was disrespectful in front of her in-laws, and this second sentence should be suppressed. There is no similar smell in this street.
You Yan Qimu’s eyes are slightly narrowed, but I didn’t understand the expression of you Yan Qimu, but I was a little wary. I was also careful when I spoke. "Let’s put it this way, some of these things even go back to my time."
Even the donkey and the donkey have said this thing along the slope now, but it seems that I can see that this even hesitates. Qi Mu thinks it’s better for me. "At that time, a killer ruined this family’s old life feast, and it was a big shock. I said to stay with her, but I stayed in the guest room that day, but there was a bitch named Lian Yuke in the incense burner.
"Didn’t this matter get rid of the prisoner at that time?"
"Cousin Cosette is the only family of the five uncles. I was soft-hearted at that time, and there was something wrong with the assassination that day. My cousin Cosette may also be the victim."
Yue Wang actually knew what they said, but others didn’t receive it at this time, because the information was just a sentence and he didn’t pay attention to it at that time
"Then I said that you might not believe that there is such a ridiculous thing in this world. It’s really irritating to me!"
Chapter 29 to investigate
In fact, it’s no exaggeration to say that Ruyan Qimu said this, but Yue Wang couldn’t show that he actually knew this fact and nodded his head and listened carefully.
You Yan Qi Mu was prepared to give himself half-truths and half-fakes, but he was not sure how much Yue Wang could know. He didn’t need to be stiff with him until he found out who he was. Even if he found out that he wanted this Yue Wang attitude, he was willing to sacrifice himself to explore him, but he still didn’t mind continuing this good relationship with Yue Wang.
Yue Wang waited for a while. "But what is there to say?"
"It may be that the report is angry again when I think about it. In fact, it is also simple. This cousin and the report are already cooked with uncooked rice. Naturally, it is too cruel for a girl like her to marry. We discussed with my grandfather at that time and secretly took her to Wangfu after I passed the door."
"Is it secretly?"
"At that time, your report said that it was better to have a concubine in this life, but you can’t put things bluntly."
Yue Wang understands it, but it seems that the family and the report should have been designed at that time, but he really wants to say that he was wronged because he wondered if the two men had any ulterior secrets that would make people make trouble that day. This purpose is not to kill people, but this matter will actually be benefited by others
You Yan Qimu couldn’t see what this Yue Wang was thinking. He even glanced at JianJian and blinked and continued, "But we don’t know where we offended this grandfather after we came back this time. It may be because male and female servants are different from cosette cousins, and they didn’t do their duty by his side all day. Many times they deliberately targeted male and female servants."
"Sister-in-law didn’t do anything to resist?"
"After all, to resist my grandfather is an elder, and the experience of the elders is much richer than that of the younger generation. Even if there are some personal emotions, but less in this time, the male and female servants in front of the monk are all recognizing that this grandfather is making things difficult for education, but now they also know that it is just being kind and being bullied."
"All that can be said is that if it weren’t for this old clan, there wouldn’t be these problems, but there is always a feeling that there is still any contradiction in this, otherwise this old clan is not so arrogant and unreasonable as the younger brothers and sisters said."
You Yan Qimu raised his eyebrows. "Wang is busy now and didn’t go to discuss the guest list with even the family. When he didn’t, he hired this even Yuke, and this even Yuke went to find a big fight."
"In fact, it was the report that misunderstood cosette’s cousin who didn’t come to make noise with male and female servants. She was … just waking up."
"I told you not to speak for her!"
Even the face slightly changed slightly, and the head was "yes".
You Yan Qimu’s tone is a little hateful. Although you didn’t even suffer indignities that day, their echo each other is to highlight the shame of this jade. "It is this personality that makes you have so many things today!"
"Brother!" Yue Wang motioned that he was still here. How much do you want to save some noodles for Lianjia?
"It’s okay, but it’s because of my report’s maintenance that I said that it would take two years for this jade to enter the door, but my grandfather may think that she was wronged so much that he wanted her to get married at some point, but suddenly it was delayed for two years."
"He is afraid that the king will not marry that woman, but it’s all right now! He will do whatever the king is afraid of! That kind of woman should be killed by a disorderly stick when she comes! "
King Yue didn’t even speak with his head down, but he understood the cause and effect. But he understood that even Jianji and Ruyi Qimu wanted to express it.
"Sister-in-law, I want to advise you that some things should be endured, but some things you endure will make others push their noses and faces."
"But I have done nothing wrong and will be bullied by others. What’s worse, I can’t bear it?" Even this sentence seems to be blurted out, but it is already ready. "I’m sorry, third brother … male and female servants are out of line."
Yue Wang looked at her slightly one leng, he seemed to think of something slightly trance.
You Yan Qi Mu raised his eyebrows. "Third brother is right, and I have told you many times that you don’t have to bow and scrape to everyone."
Yue Wang reacted and waved his hand. "Okay, okay, let’s not do this, but today, don’t siblings think someone is behind it?"
"Male and female servants waist tag when leaving home at that time some urgent … seems to be lost in the boudoir wardrobe … may not explain clearly."
"Since I lost it there, I secretly took it back. Sister in law is not to say that there is no such thing."
Even looking at Yue Wang Dug’s mouth, Lianjia was somewhat wronged and ashamed. "If Iraqis didn’t come to this waist tag male and female servants today, they would have completely forgotten this matter."
"The king ordered people to screen this token in a short time, and all the Wangfu tokens have a small feature of distinguishing between true and false. Then go to the academician courtyard and ask if it is true or false, so it will be convenient and relaxed to find the people behind it."
"Three elder brothers … Iraqis are relatively simple in nature. In fact, I have thought of a possibility in this matter, but now there is no evidence. I can’t blather. If this is the case, then today Iraqis and three elder brothers should be counted in it."
Yue Wang shook his head. He just felt flat about even the Iraqi people, but after all, he couldn’t live up to the girl’s true feelings. "I’m annoyed that this matter is rare and I won’t consider it for the time being until she becomes more stable."
LianJianJia frowned "male and female servants … well … let me put it this way … Yue Wang Ye’s male and female servants think that the goal of this matter is not to provoke the relationship between Wangfu and Lianjia, but my brothers and sisters who have left Lianjia and are still at Lianjia"
"so recognize"
"Male and female servants have no evidence now. How to say it is all personal speculation. When the truth comes out," there is a pause. "Three brothers can’t become mature without going through the storm."
"Isn’t giving her a chance to experience a wind bath now?"
"You go to rest, and I have political affairs to say."

"Hum ~!" I smiled brightly when I heard the other player call out his name, but in the eyes of the opposite player, I felt a chill behind my neck

"No, no, there are enemy attacks here!" Just here, when the player saw the reappearance, he was at a loss. Suddenly, another player in the east exclaimed, "… There is also a person!"
"German area and … pacifism!" Players are more shocked to recognize people than to see them reappear.
"Huh?" When I heard the players screaming in the defensive position of the city center, I emphasized pacifism in the north and east of the city center. I looked at each other in the same direction and asked, "How did you come here? !”
"There are too many people robbing other places to kill!" The pacifist hand axe is playing fancy back and forth.
"Ha ha!" Sprinkle a smile again. "Great minds think alike!"
"So … what?" Pacifist eyes glanced at the defensive position in the heart of the city, and the fighters of the Freedom League discussed with Ruoren, "Just in time, do you want to compare and see who gets more heads?" !”
"Good!" Sprinkle a smile again. "Then I’ll count to one, two, three. When I count to three, we will!" "
"good!" Pacifism should bow slightly with two axes in one hand, as if he were ready to fight.
“3!” Counting directly to three, dancing with double evil spirits, like a left arrow, rushed in towards the city heart defense front ahead.
"I depend on you to cheat!" Pacifism, a stumbling, almost biting a dog, running and jumping, sprinting at a speed of 100 meters, rushed to the city heart defense line of the war fortress.
"Boom … scrape … poop-poop … ahhh! !” Heavily pacifist tigers rush into the local people like sheep, and the two of them burst into attacks and screamed at the defenders of the freedom alliance, which sounded like a pot in the ear.
In charge of the peripheral alert, these free alliance reserve fighters are slightly lower in rank, slightly lower in combat effectiveness and slightly worse in equipment. In fact, these are all urgent, and they have not reached the level of god’s combat effectiveness. For heavy pacifism, they are no different from paper.
The unilateral slaughter of these peripheral players is no longer appropriate. At this time, the root of the situation is like blowing dust and sweeping away leaves.
Blink of an eye war fortress city heart defense front peripheral defenders if they dare to block in front of their eyes, kill a clean dead body and pile up a thick layer on the ground.
Dare to die? Dare to run away? Heavy pacifism steps over dead bodies all over the ground and heads for the defense line of the war fortress city heart.
Responsible for guarding the defense line is that there are not many virtual np characters in Kayle The Judicator legion. Although they are very spiritual, they are not much different from real creatures, but not much difference does not mean that there is no difference at all.
Just like the situation now, the Kayle The Judicator Legion is on the defensive line, watching the peripheral Freedom League reserve players being killed by pacifism. I don’t want to make any moves, which means sticking to the original position and being alert
Although I don’t know whether these angel corps are responsible for the defensive line after carrying out the orders, the outside line of the defensive line is not in their duty, and the life and death of the outside line has nothing to do with them; Or do they consider that these reserve fighters are too weak to fight with them, instead of one plus one greater than or equal to two, the effect will be even smaller than one?
However, these are important for the pacifism. Anyway, whether they join hands or not will be the same. The difference is whether they die early or late.
When you come to the line, you will do it without hesitation with pacifism.
"Hey, it’s a bit unkind of you two to have such a great experience of divine power. You want to be sure and don’t want to leave some for us? !” Just then, with a rich voice, two figures appeared slowly in the west and south directions of the urban heart defense front.
Chapter seven hundred and sixteen You are too young.
Chapter seven hundred and sixteen You are too young from: bookyayams
Nine heavy and pacifist smell speech paused and looked sideways. Nine heavy saw vain and half, driving the snow and drifting from the west road. The pacifist saw the south road flickering and blinking. Please listen to me.
"Where did you two go? Why didn’t you come here now? !” Jiuchonggen didn’t look at the angels who were not far from the front and were on alert and nervous. If someone asked,
The big fiend’s cold face can’t see any expression. "Go and take care of some pieces!"
"Me!" Please listen to me. "I’ve been invited to give a performance!" "
Pacifism smell speech pie pie a pair of believe you have a ghost appearance "you can also look on without you! I’m competing with the big boss who kills more people. We’ve already taken care of the blame here! "
"Competition!" The big fiend couldn’t help picking his eyebrows. He was full of interest. "Now that we’re in time, we can’t miss it. We can’t miss it. Let’s compete together!"
"Hey hey!" Please listen to me, hey hey, smile, "I don’t mind, as long as I can perform!" "
"Good!" Nine heavy nodded with a smile "then I’ll shout 1, 2, 3 to 3 let’s! How’s it going? !”
Pacifism quickly squared up and glared at Jiuzhong. "I won’t be fooled by you this time!"
"ha? !” Big fiend and please listen to me. I’m confused and I look at Jiuchong in succession.
"Ah, nothing, nothing!" Nine heavy smiled and gave a "just now we joke let’s get down to business! I’m ready to count! "
"… one!"
"Burst!" As soon as the nine-fold "one" was shouted out, pacifism over there burst into a slap in the face.
"I depend!" Pacifism mess up from the ground up "don’t you shout three? Why is it one again? !”
"How can so many people cheat again? Of course, it must be fair!" Jiuchong’s face is not red and he is out of breath. "Get ready quickly. Don’t fall behind for a while and you call me cheating!"
"All right!" Pacifism is very depressed and ready again
"three!" Shout out nine heavy, big fiend and please listen to me. Almost at the same time, a gust of wind rushed into the heart defense line of the city in front.
"Burst!" Pacifism has been washed red-handed, and it’s a dog eating shit. Get up in a mess. running all the way wind chased it out. "I depend on you, didn’t you say you don’t play tricks? Why again? !”
"Ha ha, you are too young!" Nine times a treacherous smile, relying on the speed advantage, the first city heart defense front stationed in the fighting angel pulled the war.
Big fiend and please listen to me, followed by joining the war, pacifism and depression, and the last one to jump into the fray.
In the face of tens of thousands of battle angels, the four powerful men are as afraid as people, and they are rushing around in the battle angel array, interspersed with tens of thousands of battle angels and fiercely fighting together.
The war fortress is about 200 meters away from the meeting hall.
The soldier king and Helen arranged urgently, and after a double, they immediately left the assembly hall and rushed to the front battlefield to personally direct the battle.
In fact, this is also in the second place, mainly because the soldier king is worried about Jiuchong, the big fiend, pacifism and please listen to me. These four people are really scary compared with the average player, and few people can stand it except him.
"Report, report the leader!" Bing Wang and Helen were driving a mount beast in the street, and suddenly a player ran over and stopped near them. "It’s a big deal. The Huaxia area is sacred, the Russian area is a big fiend, the German area is pacifist and the Italian area. Please listen to me. The four of them are besieging our city center! I don’t think the Kayle The Judicator Legion can hold on any longer. Go and have a look! "
"What? !” Soldier Wang Wenwen almost jumped up. "I didn’t decorate one million Kayle The Judicator legions in the city’s heart defense line. How can I hold it?" !”
The player stammered, "Now, there are less than 100,000 Kayle The Judicator legions in the heart of the city! Because of the tight war in the front line of the four cities, we have no other reinforcements coming for the time being, and the rest of the Kayle The Judicator legion has been transferred to the front line! "
“fuk!” After listening to the swearing, the soldier king had to give up going to the front line and take Helen to the city center.
"Report, report the leader!" As a result, I didn’t run far, but I wasn’t stopped, but there was a voice communication call.
"Speak quickly and fart quickly!" Bing Wang is very impatient way
"The city, the city’s unified procurement office and the Temple of Light have all been destroyed. Going to buy np soldiers and brothers are also trapped and trapped. No one has successfully purchased soldiers yet!"
"Waste!" The soldier king finally found it hard to suppress his anger and swore, "You are all fucking waste!"
"Leader!" While Helen naturally heard the soldier king talking to the voice calling the player over there, her hand caressed the soldier king’s arm and her tone was gentle. "This can’t be blamed on them. Since the sacred party is prepared, it must be worrying about asking us to die! Don’t worry, there are ways to remedy this matter! "
"How to remedy? !” Hear Helen sound angry soldier king anger immediately away a lot of deep breath mood gentle asked.
"Even if this party can destroy all the places where np soldiers are purchased in the city, it is impossible to destroy all the cities in our freedom alliance to purchase soldiers!" Helen was in no hurry and said, "So we have to buy np soldiers in the city. We need to inform members in other cities to buy np soldiers at the unified procurement office over there, and then send them to the designated delivery reel. It won’t take much time!"
"Aye, yes!" Bing Wang was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately turned his head and said to the player over there in voice communication, "If you hear Helen’s words, just do as Helen said!"
"Hey, yes!" End the soldier king call. This player immediately buys np soldiers as quickly as Helen says.
After the episode, the soldier king and Helen continued to rush to the defensive position of the city center.
Deep in the deep-water coral reefs along the coast of Britain
It was received that Bermuda set sail for the first time after the war, and before the night battle, it went unnoticed near the British coast.
In the winter palace of Baimu City, Wang Baobao pursed his ass and rubbed his hands, and sat on the platform with a flattering face. "Hey, hey, it’s up to you whether you can finish the explanation of the dead blade this time!"
Online game Zijin Dragon Emperor:
Chapter seven hundred and sixteen You are too young:
Chapter seven hundred and seventeen Please enter the urn
Chapter seven hundred and seventeen Please enter the urn "Brother ing can help you no problem! But …! " Sitting on ao TV, Apple also smiled obsequiously. "I can entrust my lifelong happiness to you. You must rescue my younger brother from his misery early!"
"Ha ha, good talk, good talk!" Wang Baobao clap breast way "your brother my life is to love women all my life, I have no other ability is to know more women! Don’t worry, I promise to find you a beautiful girl who is 36 days old and backward! "