The card that Qin Yuqi gave her was stopped.

She has only the money from her previous job.
After she was recognized by Yunjia, her former house was returned, and she could temporarily find a small foothold.
She looked at this small room and missed the day before yesterday!
Come on … Everything is perfect, but what went wrong? !
After thinking for a long time, she can think of a possibility!
She suddenly got up and left her place to look for the man.
When she found Yu Shurong, Yu Shurong was still drinking happily!
Section 22
Seeing him like this, she was even more angry!
If she can be a father! She is not what she is now!
Her pain is not only given by jiujiu but also by him!
Yu Zhenzhen grabbed Yu Shurong’s bottle before without thinking.
The bottle was taken away from Yu Shurong. Naturally, it was uncomfortable. I just wanted to swear at her.
"Hey, what does Miss Yun want me to do?" He laughed.
If the word "Miss Yunda" was used before, she would feel very comfortable, but now she feels ironic!
"You still drink! I asked you if you let it slip! "
Yu Shurong didn’t know what she was saying. "I don’t understand what you said!"
See him like this Yu Zhenzhen more angry! "You don’t understand? ! Wake up and see that I am no longer Miss Yunjia! "
She threw a magazine in front of Yu Shurong.
Yu Shurong frown picked it up and looked at it. After that, his face changed. "What! You have been exposed! "
"You don’t know?"
"You are funny, how should I know! Besides, didn’t you do well? ! How did it get caught? !”
"I also want to ask you this question! Do you think it’s your own mouth that talks wildly? Let others know? !”
This should be a seamless affair. There is no reason for anyone to know!
"What are you talking about? I’m not stupid. You screwed up yourself. How dare you question me? !” Yu Shurong said, suddenly, what did he think of? "Wait a minute, you were caught? Does that mean you have no money after that? Shit! Then how can I play! "
Yu Zhenzhen looked at Yu Shurong and still thought about money. I couldn’t wait to beat him up!
Seeing him like this, I think it wasn’t him, but if it wasn’t him, how would Huo Yicheng know? !
She fidgeted and turned away.
And what worries her more is yet to come. She was fired from Song’s work.
She knows what’s going on without telling me.
Many people looked at her the day she left the Soong family.
Her former identity was Yunjia darling daughter, but now there is news from Yunjia that an oolong was deliberately confused.
At the moment, many people look at her with a theater mentality.
"Such a person is really shameless. It’s not the daughter of Yunjia who has to say that she is."
"I told you, this cloud family is a nobleman in country J. I don’t think she looks like a nobleman from head to toe."
There’s a lot of talk. Yu Zhenzhen wants to tear their mouths off!
Just as she just walked out of the Song building, she happened to bump into Song Yuyan.
Song Yuyan passed her without looking at her!
As if she were angry.
Song Yuyan’s indifference made her very hurt!
Song Yuyan
Song Yuyan paused.
She walked up to Song Yuyan. "I … Can I talk to you?"
Song Yuyan looked at her and then said lightly,’ What do you want to talk about? "
"Are you fired me? Or jiujiu? "
"What’s the point of asking these questions now?"
"Is she right? She hates me because she doesn’t leave me any way out, right? !”
Song Yuyan frowned at her words. "Does Yu Zhenzhen know the difference between you and jiujiu?"
Yu Zhenzhen zheng "what?"
Song Yuyan sneered, "You always blame others for your mistakes and misfortunes. Are you all like you?"? I mean to fire you and jiujiu. "
Yu Zhenzhen bit her lip. "Song Yuyan, do you love her so much?"
"Well, I love her."
He said these three words firmly and without hesitation.
But these three words are like a piece of iron and lead pressing on Yu Zhenzhen’s heart, which makes her breathless.
"But when you didn’t know me, you helped me, didn’t you? I don’t believe you are the kind of person who is willing to help others at will. "
Song Yuyan listened to what she said, but he raised his eyebrows slightly. "So you think I like you because I helped you?"
Yu Zhenzhen pursed her lips and looked at him with anticipation. "Isn’t it?"
Song Yuyan laughed at her words. "Of course not. Since you asked, I might as well tell you that it was a coincidence that I helped you at that time. This coincidence was that I happened to see you helping you. That’s because I knew at that time that you were her good friend and the one she cared about."
Yu Zhenzhen’s eyes are wide open and some can’t accept this fact.
"What … are you helping me because I am a good friend of jiujiu?"
"Well, that’s right. Do you think I would have the leisure to help you if you weren’t?"
Yu Zhenzhen took two steps back and shook his head. "No … you shouldn’t … you …"
It’s over. Song Yuyan has no spare time to say anything more with her. Look away and go straight to the inside.
Yu Zhenzhen looked at the man’s cold back and pulled out a bit of self-mockery after a long time.
It turns out that … everything is her self-affection …
It turns out that … she lost to jiujiu from the beginning …
The help she got from Song Yuyan was entirely due to jiujiu …
"Ha ha …"

But you say it’s not the peak? How can you make these other teams work hard?

Chang Sheng didn’t know that dimatteo was spitting at him in his heart. He continued: "Guys, think back to the scenery you saw after you conquered the Champions League last season. Do you have a feeling?" That is, you have stepped on the whole world! "
"yes!" In the dressing room, all the players who have won the Champions League are shouting.
The players who just joined the team this season looked at them with envy.
Because they have never experienced this feeling, they don’t even know if the boss is right.
"Is this feeling cool?" Changsheng continued to ask, and he raised the volume of his question.
"Cool! !” The players who answered him also raised the volume.
"Is it really okay to experience such a cool feeling only once?"
"no! !”
Changsheng looked at the performance of these players and laughed. He nodded: "Very good. A champions league champion is just a champions league champion. On the road of life, there are many peaks that we need to climb constantly … and now we have just conquered one of them. In front of us, there are many such peaks. They have different landscapes and different difficulties and obstacles. They just stand quietly, waiting for us to conquer them one by one! "
"You can continue to live a meaningful life like that, and you can continue to experience the feeling of stepping on the whole world! As long as you want, you can! "
"Now, let’s get ready and move towards the next mountain! When we conquer it, let the whole world be surprised again! "
Then the players in the dressing room rushed out in high spirits and prepared to play.
Dimatteo walked at the end, and his mind was full of question marks.
On the one hand, teams that have won the Champions League will inevitably start to decline and will never recover, because they have been satisfied and they have no motivation to continue fighting. This is the highest honor of the club, and it’s all been won, so what’s the reason to continue to fight hard?
He also has great affection for Chelsea, so he has been paying attention to Chelsea since he retired.
Chelsea is a typical example.
Under Mourinho’s leadership, Chelsea won the Champions League, and since then, the team’s performance has been slack. It’s like a completely different team.
To this end, Mourinho chose to leave.
Chelsea’s players continue to sleep on their credit books. They seem to think that with one Champions League champion, they can eat for life.
Another typical example is Barcelona.
After winning the Champions League, Rijkaard’s Dream Team 2 quickly degenerated and became no longer pursuing honor. Players are more focused on clubbing, advertising and how to make more money.
So the training began to be careless, and the fighting spirit dropped in the game.
More often, what people see in the media is not the news that they won the game, but all kinds of infighting, rumors of contract renewal and transfer scandals …
Finally, this place collapsed this summer.
Rijkaard resigned suddenly, and Guardiola took over the team and began a big cleaning.
All the players who lost their fighting spirit were purged, and players like Deco and Ronaldinho who helped the team win the second Champions League in the club’s history all entered the transfer list.
Ronaldinho went to AC Milan and Deco went to Chelsea.
But why can’t this decadent mental outlook be seen in Lazio players?
Dimatteo felt very strange.
But at the same time, he also felt that it was right to choose Lazio. Although he could be a head coach in Milton Keynes, he could only be an assistant coach in Lazio.
However, in Lazio, he saw many problems that were rare in his career.
Finding out the answers to these questions is far more attractive to Milton Keynes than to be the head coach.
From Lazio’s training to Lazio’s pre-match training, dimatteo is full of curiosity.
Changsheng had already planned to go out, but when he saw dimatteo still staring blankly behind him, he turned back and asked, "What’s the matter, Robert?"
Dimatteo asked the question in his heart: "How can you ensure that they are full of passion and fighting spirit for the new season after winning a Champions League?"
Changsheng laughed when he heard this question: "You said this … haven’t you heard of it? Robert. There is a saying:’ victory is an addictive drug.’ "
Dimatteo bowed their heads and chewed the meaning of this sentence.
The more you study, the more interesting this sentence becomes.
Why do so many successful players still burst into tears after losing the game? Why does everyone like victory rather than failure?
Yes, it’s because victory will make them addicted, right?
He shook his head: "This is very reasonable. I have never heard of it. Who said it?"
Changsheng pointed to himself with his thumb: "I said it."
Roma fans are struggling now.
Franco Sensi died, and they were very sad. No matter how controversial Sensi is, at least his love for Rome is beyond doubt.
And Rome’s last league title was won by him. It was also from his hands that Rome gradually worked towards the goal of giants.
Although his persistence also gave Rome some pain.
For example, the biggest pain is always winning.
He resolutely abandoned Changsheng at the beginning, which led to Changsheng’s crazy revenge.
Over the years, some Roman fans have privately complained about him.
But now that he’s dead, it’s no use talking about it.
Death is great.
At this moment, Roman fans can only mourn.
But many of them have to admit that there is some truth in what the media say.
When Sensi died, Chang Sheng’s hatred for Rome lost its sustenance, and he had no reason to continue his revenge.
The contest between Rome and Lazio can finally be normalized.
Maybe Rome will have a chance to beat Lazio …
Before the start of the game, both sides wore black veil and observed a minute’s silence for Franco Sensi, the president of Rome Club who just died.


"Well, that, purple sweet, I’m sorry. Just kidding, joking. " Meng Qi a full face of smile, to the back to his own purple sweet apology.
"Hum!" Although Zixiang later severely rectified Meng Qi, he deliberately teased himself about Meng Qi. Purple fragrance is still full of resentment, and it’s hateful to scare people when you see that you are so afraid!
Meng Qi saw that Zixiang ignored himself and smiled awkwardly. He also knew that it was not good to play tricks on Zixiang in this way. But when I saw Zi Xiang, Meng Qi couldn’t help but want to play a trick on her.
Just when they were in a little anger, the originally dark environment suddenly became bright. Zixiang and Meng Qi have no spirit to be angry anymore, because they have been attracted by the scene in front of them.
Small fish are constantly swimming in the clusters of coral that shine with colorful light. The coral radiates extremely bright light, which actually lights up the whole seabed.
And a crystal clear crystal palace appeared in front of everyone. How is this wonderful miracle? In this I don’t know how deep the sea is, a towering building stands here.
Compared with this, the Great Wall of Wan Li in Meng Qi’s previous life is nothing.
Of course, it’s not just Meng Qi. Except for the three elders, all of them are wait for a while’s looking at this crystal palace, their lips slightly parted, and they were speechless.
Although the elders have already given the children a vaccination, the children are still stunned by this crystal palace. Three elders glances, shook his head, also don’t blame these children. After all, when they first saw this crystal palace, they looked just like them.
And the handmaid who leads the way in front seems to have guessed the reaction of the children in the Dragon Valley, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. No one is not surprised by the friar who came to the Dragon Crystal Palace for the first time.
Meng Qi was stunned for a few seconds, and then he came to his senses, exclaiming, "What kind of cultivation and magical power can this build such a magical palace in the depths of this sea? It is really amazing. "
Hearing Meng Qi’s words, the handmaid also turned to look at it. She didn’t expect Meng Qi to just be stunned for a few seconds. You know, there are many monks who were shocked by this scene for half a day before they could respond.
And at the gate of the Crystal Palace, there are two extremely huge hag-like demon families who are on duty in front of the door. Seeing the handmaid come over and read a few words of dharma, the two hags will remove their huge bodies, and then the handmaid will take everyone into the Crystal Palace.
After entering the crystal palace, the mask also dissipated, and everyone stood in the crystal palace with their feet on the ground. There is no water in this crystal palace, and the ground is not mud and land, but paved with smooth white marble, echoing the deep blue sea outside the crystal palace.
Most of your children in the Dragon Valley have never left the Dragon Valley. Seeing this magical place for the first time, there is quite a feeling that Granny Liu entered the Grand View Garden.
A line of people, but only three people look more normal. And these three people are naturally the three people who participated in the conference. These three people are much higher than the rest of the dragon children in both age and experience. Although I also feel that the Crystal Palace is novel, I put my expression into my stomach and just looked at the Crystal Palace from the corner of my eye.
After the servant took everyone to the Crystal Palace, another servant took over and took them to the guest room that had already been prepared. When the two handmaids handed over, Meng Qi was surprised to find that the handmaid who took over later respected the handmaid who introduced Meng Qi and them.
About the first handmaid had a higher status, Meng Qi thought about it and stopped paying attention to such things.
And the handmaid who introduced Meng Qi and others, after leaving everyone, came to a very magnificent little palace. All the way in, the rest of the servants bowed to him.
Walking into the hall of the palace, there is a handsome woman leaning on a chair carved from jade coral, holding a scroll in her hand, which seems to be engrossed.
The handmaid came to the woman’s side and didn’t speak, so she stood quietly beside her, as if afraid to disturb the woman’s interest in reading.
After a long time, the woman reading the book closed the book, then stretched herself and suddenly gave birth to infinite amorous feelings.
The woman straightened her figure and said, "Bi Er, did you find anything special?"
The handmaid, who was called Bi Er, bowed down and said, "There seems to be no Long Xiaotian among the people in Longgu this time. According to the information there, Long Xiaotian seems to have entered the baby stage."
The beautiful woman who is full of scroll breath heard that there was actually no Long Xiaotian, so she couldn’t help sighing: "This Long Xiaotian is really a rare genius. I didn’t expect it to be promoted from the early days of then to the baby stage in just a few decades. Alas, without him, it is estimated that this meeting will be much more boring. "
Listen to the tone of this woman, it seems that I don’t think Long Xiaotian will pose no threat to her if she comes. Instead, it just added a lot of fun to her.
But one side of Bi Er was reminded of Meng Qi, who had a great influence on her. However, I want to come to the friar at the beginning of that, but it is impossible to pose too much threat to the princess. After all, even Long Xiaotian, the genius of Dragon Valley, only gained a little upper hand when he played against the princess in those days, and there was no tie.
Thinking of this, Bi Er didn’t intend to mention the matter of Meng Qi, but said, "The princess tied for the tenth place with that Long Xiaotian decades ago, and now Long Xiaotian is still promoted to a baby. According to your servant, the champion of this demon meeting must be the princess."
The woman smiled, put down the book in her hand, and said irrevocably, "Actually, it’s too easy and meaningless. I hope there will be some decent guys this time, otherwise it’s too boring."
Although what this woman said is very arrogant, she does have this arrogant capital. Decades ago, when there was a strong hand like a cloud, she was able to tie with Long Xiaotian for the tenth place, which was really a rare gift.
Now the older generation of monks have been promoted, promoted, and fallen. The nature of marking time is not her opponent. Long Xiaotian, the only one who can beat her in that year, has also entered the baby stage. So who can resist her winning the championship now?
As for Meng Qi, Meng Qi is now just like Long Xiaotian in those days. It is possible to get a good ranking at this conference, but it is even more difficult to win the championship.
"Hey, Meng Qi, how about going out for a stroll?" In the early morning of the second day of coming to the Crystal Palace, Zixiang pulled Meng Qi out of the warm bed, and then asked Meng Qi to accompany her to visit the Crystal Palace.
Because because of the meeting of all demons, many demon families gathered here, which is extremely rare. Therefore, many demon families spontaneously exchange things they don’t need and exchange needed goods.
Over time, this fair has become something that the organizer of the conference must manage. Therefore, the East China Sea Dragon has set aside a place for trading this time. Besides letting Meng Qi and herself see the scenery of the Crystal Palace, Zixiang also wants to go to the fair.
Chapter 243 Why are flowers so red?
Chapter 243 Why are flowers so red?
However, Meng Qi’s gluttony and good sleep naturally make it impossible to get out of bed. Therefore, after hearing the sound of Zixiang, Meng Qi pulled his silk quilt and covered the whole person under it. Let Zixiang shout outside, he is motionless and sleeps well.
Purple incense saw that she had been calling Meng Qi for a long time, but there was no response. She was a little angry in her heart, so she stepped forward and lifted Meng Qi’s quilt.
However, this silk quilt is not only soft and silky, but also extremely tough. Because Meng Qi firmly pressed the quilt corner under his body, Zixiang failed to lift it.

At the moment, the atmosphere is very sweet and warm, but someone doesn’t understand the amorous feelings and comes up with disappointing words.

The fox chuckled and turned to look at her. Her eyes were full of spoil.
He stopped and took her hand and turned to face her [
Bowing down the fiery red eyes seems to melt and drown people. "I’m thinking that after the baby is born, we can take the baby for a walk together in the month."
Jiang Xue bud leng leng.
"In fact, I never thought I would get married so early. I didn’t want that child when I knew you had my child!"
"If I didn’t have a child, my father wouldn’t force me to marry you."
A faint smile hung on the lip corner of the silent moon, remembering how she had rejected her and her children.
At that time, you wouldn’t have thought that he would have feelings for her so soon.
At that time, he even thought about getting rid of the child himself.
It was when he really came into contact with the child that he found that he couldn’t get rid of it.
He doesn’t care at the thought that the child is also bleeding from his silent moon.
"But now I wish he could be born earlier and see what our child will be like!"
Jiang Xue Bud listened quietly as he said, and his heart was in chaos.
Looking at the fox’s eyes full of expectation, she couldn’t bear to say it even if she had something in her heart.
"Xueya, who do you think children will look like more?"
And he has reached into her belly and stroked it gently.
The gentle eyes followed her belly.
She has also thought about who this child will be more like.
She thought … It should be more like a silent moon.
After all, he is so good-looking. If a child is like him, both men and women are extremely beautiful.
"Where did I know that I didn’t know until I was born …" [
For this child, she is not as eager as a fox. Section 597: I can’t stand his gentle offensive.
"I didn’t know it until I was born …"
She didn’t look forward to this child as much as the fox did.
Perhaps the child is still young and can’t see any obvious features, so she doesn’t feel too much in her heart.
"Can you guess?"
The fox raised his head slightly and smiled at her [
Such a beautiful face … So charming eyes …
Jiang Xue bud heart severely vibrate a this disaster also let not let people live.
"Like you …"
It’s really not adamant4.
Hearing this, the fox smiled even happier.
"Well, I think it’s like me …"
Jiang Xue Bud raised her eyebrows and retorted, "How do you know it must be like you can’t say for sure?"
Although I hope the child looks like the fox in my heart, she can’t make him proud when she looks at him so naturally
"Like you … like you, there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s not good to look at."
The fox said such a sentence because he was very embarrassed.
Jiang Xue bud a glaring mercilessly on his waist and squeezed a handful of "what are you talking about! What looks bad. "
This ….. This is too arrogant.
Well, she admits that Mu Wan is much worse than that fox.

Zhou Cang was born with a loud voice, and this roar almost spread to ChengTou, causing people to raise eyebrows in succession. When they saw it, they were surprised. It was caffey’s head in this man’s hand, and he was out of control in an instant.

However, Jiangling Warriors can ignore you. While you are stupidly killing you, you killed many yellow turban insurrectionary bandits in an instant, and the yellow turban insurrectionary soldiers don’t know what to do.
⑧ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ 931
At this time, Wang Rui stood up and shouted, "Drop your weapons and spare you!"
SIRS yellow turban insurrectionary looked at each other, anyway, the boss is dead, and finally they all chose to surrender.
Li involved ear system sound also rang:
"ding! Congratulations to the players! You have completed the village upgrade task’ repel the enemy’, and your village Tianmen Village has been successfully upgraded to Tianmen Town. Please check it out! "
"ding! Congratulations to the players! Since your village Tianmen Village has been upgraded to a town, the internal affairs and command attributes of the territorial residents have been turned on. Please check! "
Li She never imagined that this upgrade was so simple, and it was completed just after a while. He doesn’t want it either. Could he have done it so simply if he didn’t have Zhou Cang Huang Xu? If Li She hears this, she will make up a knife shamelessly: I still have Li Zhuang and Huang Zhong!
And now, within the village upgrade, the system is not ostentatious all over the world, only the top three people are ostentatious. Obviously, Tianmen Town does not belong to the top three.
"Ha ha ha! Brother Li! You are really my savior! " Wang Rui is to open the gate, immediately to meet out, laughed and said.
"Don’t! Brother Wang! You flatter me too much! " Speaking of it, it’s all because of Wang Rui that Li She can know Bian Shi, and Li She has always wanted to thank Wang Rui.
"Why are you so modest? Go and have tea in the city!" Wang Rui directly shrugged Li She and went to the city.
Chapter sixty-three Tianmen Town
Chatting with Wang Rui in the city, Li said that the town had something to do and asked for a long way.
Among them, Li She also mentioned that the mother was in Tianmen Town and asked Wang Rui if she wanted to send her. Unexpectedly, Wang Rui just looked at himself strangely and said strangely, "You won’t put my sister to bed!"
Li She explained at once: "I have no other thoughts about the mother just like my own sister."
Wang Rui wouldn’t believe it, of course. He thought that Li was not bad, and he could also give him the TOEFL, so he let the mother continue to live in Tianmen Town.
Before leaving, Li She looked at the information of Tianmen Town. The information is as follows:
Town name: Tianmen Town
Mayor: Li She
Existing residents and maximum residents: 500, 1,000.
Area around the village: 20 square kilometers
Resources: None (because the logging area in the south and the quarrying area in the west have not been included in the territory of Tianmen Village, so they are not considered as resources of Tianmen Village).
Residents’ satisfaction: 98
Tax rate: With the increase of urban residents, we can no longer be as casual as when we were in the village. We need to customize the tax and return it to the mayor. Current tax rate: temporarily undetermined
Public security: 89
Village visibility: 100
According to the old habit, click on the’ buildable building’, as shown below:
Mayor building; The rest and office of the mayor; Construction conditions: a village head office.
Earth fence: a wall surrounded by hard mud. Construction conditions: several masons.
Post station: a place to communicate with other towns, and also a place for people passing by to rest. Construction conditions: one groom, several horses, and one’ post drawing’.
Barracks (different from barracks built by special orders): places where soldiers rest and change jobs. Construction conditions: one’ barracks drawing’.
Patrol room: a place where patrol teams rest. Construction conditions: several soldiers, one’ patrol room drawing’.
Inn: a place for passers-by to rest, and can also be used for asking for information. The appearance rate of special talents is 1%, and that of historical talents is 0.5%. Construction conditions: one mason and one’ inn drawing’.
Orchard: the place where fruits grow; Construction conditions: one fruit grower and one’ Orchard Drawing’.
Affiliated village (1): a village established on the territory of the town. Construction conditions: a number of masons, a’ low-level village drawing’.
Then I looked at the upgrade conditions, and I needed the mayor’s reputation to reach 2000, which was not a problem for Li She, whose reputation had already reached 6200.
Among them, there are really no "low-level village drawings" and "post office drawings", but there are in Wang Rui! When Li She left, she asked Wang Rui for a copy, even a village drawing, one for each of the junior, senior and senior levels. At this time, she set foot on her way home contentedly.
After these two wars, because the villagers killed the enemy, Li She also gained some experience. Li She’s rank rose two levels and was added to the force according to the usual practice. At present, it is 40 points.
It takes millions of experience before the next upgrade. It’s scary to think about it. After all, Li is only 17 now!
What’s more, Li’s present meritorious service is a bit high. A yellow turban insurrectionary mixed soldier is at least 0.01 meritorious service value, a yellow turban insurrectionary militia is at least 0.1 meritorious service value, a yellow turban insurrectionary lux is at least 1 meritorious service value, a small leader is at least 10 meritorious service value, a big leader is at least 100 meritorious service value, a lieutenant commander of Qu Shuai is at least 1000 meritorious service value, and Qu Shuai is at least 10000 meritorious service value.
Therefore, it is very simple for Li to want to upgrade. Just kill Qu Shuai. The yellow turban insurrectionary who died in Tianmen Village, the meritorious service value is all on Li She, the village head (now the mayor). At present, the meritorious service value is more than 10,000 points, which is scary enough.
As long as no one has killed Qu Shuai, Li She is sure that there is no higher meritorious service than himself, and he is completely sitting in the village waiting for the meritorious service to come to his door.
Li She and others came and went quickly, and they were already on their way home.
Immediately rushed back overnight, and after returning to Tianmen Town, Li She found that Huang Zhong had come back and brought his daughter.
Because his wife died early and Huang Zhong didn’t marry again, he loved his daughter very much.
Huang Xu hurriedly went up to call her father, and then went to talk to her sister.

It is Zhu Jinglun’s habit to take pains to explain his thoughts and ideas to Chen Qiyuan. It is not that he patiently explains, but that he hopes to influence the thoughts of these officials.

Chen Qiyuan may not really believe it, but he understood that these people have not disobeyed the emperor’s consciousness.
What effect can these things get when they are sent to newspapers? It’s hard to say whether they can recruit enough excellent enterprises. To be honest, it’s just that enterprises don’t worry about opportunities, such as Krupp. They don’t worry about business in Germany, so the motivation for them to go abroad is really small. It’s an emerging industry like Simon. Maybe they are more willing to consider one.
Let this matter go, and Zhu Jinglun will be interested in the future.
Chen Qiyuan found out that in this era, Japanese people are not so strong in confidentiality, so he just asked them to get out of the words.
This group of Japanese is the president of the mission sent by the Japanese shogunate, Chang Min Sano, the vice president of the Senate, and others, such as Takanobu Kanyama and Shibusawa Eiichi.
However, this mission is very loose and has not been officially awarded, so the main reason for being considered as an informal mission is not that the Japanese don’t understand these facts every day. The Japanese invited the German Wiener and their consultants to bring quite a few exhibitions this time, such as a giant Buddha and a golden killer whale.
However, the Japanese shogunate was probably worried about dealing with foreigners, so the mission had no diplomacy, and their main purpose was to learn.
They brought with them "seven students and workers from various industrial disciplines", who will stay in Europe to study after visiting the World Expo. For example, Chang Min Sano, vice president, will go to Britain and the Netherlands to inspect the navy and industry; The official Qing studied in London for three years; Shinriki Yamataka studied French and ironmaking techniques in France.
Zhu Jinglun couldn’t help but be surprised by Chen Qiyuan’s news that he had been sending overseas students every day after the Reform. I didn’t expect that it had already happened in the shogunate period. In the shogunate period, some arsenals had been established, and the foundation was much stronger than that in the Qing Dynasty before the Foreign Movement. Plus, they had always learned from Lan and learned from Japan, and the Japanese knew about the western world as far away as the literati in the Qing Dynasty.
"They have no military mission?"
Zhu Jinglun wondered that he specially asked Chen Qiyuan to pay attention to this problem. He knew that the emperor died in January this year, and the new succession was to rule the emperor. This guy has gathered a group of opposition groups to the shogunate, which has been going on for a long time. It is normal for the shogunate to send a mission to the West if it has a military mission.
Chen Qiyuan shook his head, but he suddenly said, "I heard them say that a man named Fukuzawa Yukichi took people to the United States to buy guns."
Because Japan’s door is the United States, but they are particularly close to the United States, their military advisers are mainly hired from the United States
Zhu Jinglun nodded. "Send a message to the ambassador to the United States to tell them that these Japanese people can help as much as possible. After all, are they friendly neighbors separated by water?"
Chen Qiyuan nodded. He really felt that it was nice to meet people who were familiar with the eastern countries in the Yi people’s place, although it was a group of Japanese pirates. If he was in China, he really didn’t like these people, but it was difficult for him to have a good impression on them in the Yi people’s group.
If it weren’t for the aggressive policy pursued by the Japanese, the Japanese people’s impression of the Japanese was good. Even though the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 was beaten by Japan, the Japanese literati were stimulated instead of hating Japan. Later, the Japanese public opinion in the China-China War was one-sided in support of Japan.
After winning Russia that day, several China people cheered for Japan from their hearts. At that time, they regarded the Japanese victory as the victory of the yellow race, because the victory at that time really proved that the yellow race was no worse than the white race, which made many people’s psychological clouds clear. It turned out that their own race was not born bad. It was originally necessary to work hard and the yellow race could win.
The same is true in China. Before Japanese people had a natural affection for Japanese people, it was when they faced white people. For example, when they learned that Britain had defeated the Qing court, some Japanese samurai even wrote a story in which they described that Japanese samurai helped the Qing army counterattack Britain and reached London to capture Victoria’s fat girl alive.
The Manchu Dynasty’s response to the failure of westerners in Japan not only showed them that foreigners were powerful, but also made them feel sorry for the failure of the Qing court in general.
Similarly, feelings also occurred in other countries, such as Vietnam, and the emperor also wrote many comments. Although he was very contemptuous of the Manchu army, he also expressed his desire to see the victory of the Qing Dynasty
This is actually the natural affinity of race, just as white people tend to form a United front in China, they naturally have a sense of affinity. Unfortunately, the main responsibility for the unfortunate combination of the yellow race law in East Asian history lies in Japan.
It was a war of aggression against China that completely turned China and China into feudalism. On occasions, even in sports competitions, Japanese audiences must be on the opposite side of.
Japan not only invaded China, but also colonized Korea. Later, China broke out wars with South Korea and Vietnam successively, which led to the contradictions among the yellow race in the 21st century.
But in this era, Chen Qiyuan will not hate even if it despises the Japanese.
Zhu Jinglun is different. He knows too well what the Japanese will do. Even though this era may not happen again, he naturally has a bad impression on Japan. He says that he is helping the Japanese, but he is actually planning to cheat them.
He asked the ambassador to the United States to help the Japanese. What did the Japanese do to help the Japanese? The Japanese bought arms, of course.
"Tell the Japanese that the quality of our artillery is also good. If they are interested, our artillery can be restricted from exporting to them. If there is no money, we can also borrow money."
Zhu Jinglun added that he felt that American artillery was just like that, and all the technological achievements in the Civil War were brought to the soldier factory by Ellison.
The European and American newspapers have long been connected to the fact that the European newspaper to Asia has also been revised. The newspaper from London to Singapore is a British hypothesis, while the newspaper from Singapore to Guangzhou is a big hypothesis, and the major newspapers have also extended to Qingdao and Dalian.
Two hours later, the ambassador to the United States gave back the news. The whereabouts of Japanese in the United States were not kept secret, because it was rare for several newspapers to follow the Japanese in this era.
It was easy for them to find the Japanese Fukuzawa Yukichi in Washington, DC. He did come to buy arms, but the money they brought was too little and they wanted too much. It was not smooth to negotiate loans with the Americans.
At this time, the big minister found them and told them that they could also sell cannons and borrow money. Of course, the Japanese would not refuse to suppress the rebellion. Now the shogunate is desperate.
Japanese people have a big appetite. They hope to borrow 12 thousand silver. They plan to equip 50 thousand people with rifles and cannons.
Zhu Jinglun wouldn’t have done this deal if he hadn’t deliberately ruined it. Because of the current situation of the shogunate, everyone knows why the Bank of America didn’t dare to lend them money. Isn’t it because they were afraid that they wouldn’t get the money back after defeating it?
Zhu Jinglun is determined to help the shogunate to continue to rule, and there is no hope for this country without the central government.
So he agreed to come at once, but it was a huge sum of money, and even Guangfu Bank could not take it out at once.
However, Zhu Jinglun thought of the British bank family, the Bahrain family and the Rothschild family, who had already contacted the great ambassador to Britain. They hoped to meet the great emperor at the end of his visit to France and Britain.
Bankers want to find Zhu Jinglun for business, of course, but I don’t know why they decided that they needed a loan. Now they can introduce the Japanese guest to them first.
"Let the British minister go back to those bankers later and ask them if they are willing to do a good business."
After deciding to support the shogunate, Zhu Jinglun, the Paris-Japan mission, was not very concerned, because he knew that this was not a formal mission, and that the representatives were not the Japanese government or even the shogunate. Although most of them were ordered by the shogunate, they all came in their own names, and even the shogunate’s vassals claimed to be independent in Iwangping.
Others, such as Sano Chang Min, came to the mountain with a fat former vassal, Gao Xin was a soldier, Song Fan was an extras, Shibusawa Eiichi was the territory of the shogunate directly under Musashi State, and others were the ministers of the Tokugawa family. It is really hard to count these people as official missions, so it is meaningless for Zhu Jinglun to contact these people, but they will come to the palace to meet Zhu Jinglun because they have already made an appointment later.
I don’t remember anyone else, Zhu Jinglun, but he was impressed by Shibusawa Eiichi, who was called the father of Japanese modern enterprises.
His family is Musashi’s country, Haonong, which is a Japanese noun. It means that his family is a farmer but rich. Their family owns their own land and runs a business, which is the first in the local village.
I don’t know if it is such a businessman background that Shibusawa Eiichi later gave up the senior position of the Japanese government’s Ministry of Finance and went directly to do business.
During his travels in the west, he highly praised the western business model, founded more than 500 enterprises in his life, and greatly popularized the western-funded mode in Japan.

This familiar coercion made Meng Qi’s heart tremble, but he immediately took out the cat’s claw obsidian and said, "Are you trying to kill me?"

When Ai Zhuoshui saw the token of the clan, his momentum suddenly weakened. However, she naturally won’t listen to Meng Qi’s request. When Meng Qi saw this, he said, "Why do you have to put on a smelly face when you smile so beautifully?"
Ai Zhuoshui sneered: "How do you know that I look good when I smile? Have you seen it? "
Meng Qi was silent for a moment, and then said, "Of course, it was at that time. I have seen it many times. " Say that finish, Meng Qi is to look at AiZhuo water. And YiZhuo water after slightly one leng is the reaction to come over.
I saw her cheeks flushed, but her face was full of anger. The key is to be ashamed in anger, which is simply a beautiful picture of a beautiful lady. Ai Zhuoshui put a hand over Meng Qi’s mouth, and then said with shame and anger, "Didn’t you say that you can’t mention that again?" !”
Meng Qi suddenly smiled when he saw Ai Zhuoshui’s shame and anger. He remembered the shy beauty in his arms in those days. Of course, Meng Qi knew that he had Hu Xianer and Cheng Rewei, so he shouldn’t be interested in other women. But for this woman who had a close relationship with herself, Meng Qi couldn’t help but have some other ideas.
Gently remove Ai Zhuoshui’s hand, and then Meng Qi said faintly, "I don’t know what you think, but I can’t pretend that nothing happened."
Ai Zhuoshui looked strange and said, "What can you do? Just a little monk then. Do you still want to ….. "Speaking of which, Ai Zhuoshui has no words.
Meng Qi shook his head and said, "I am now then, but my cultivation can’t stay at the stage of then all the time. You know, it only took me less than a hundred years to get from practicing qi to the present situation. If you give me another 200 years, I am confident that I can be promoted to the Yuan God level. "
Less than a hundred years? This time, Ai Zhuoshui was really surprised. You know, even when she was practicing to the then stage, it took more than 130 years. For the demon family, it is extremely great to practice for more than 130 years to reach the Jindan stage. It took Meng Qi less than a hundred years.
But what can this prove? Cultivating immortals is no better than anything else. You can’t go far without being brave and diligent at the beginning. Ai Zhuoshui is not unheard of so-called geniuses who practice at an astonishing speed. But not many of these people can go far behind.
Without him, these people have not laid a solid foundation for the breakthrough of previous cultivation. In this way, at the back, people with unstable foundations naturally cannot make further breakthroughs.
However, for Meng Qi, these do not exist. Although the speed of Meng Qi’s cultivation is indeed exaggerated, it is accumulated by Meng Qi himself, plus some opportunities, such as the dragon saliva grass, the guidance of the elders of Tao, the net pulse spring of Hu Xianer, and the Yuan Yin of Ai Zhuoshui for hundreds of years.
All this makes Meng Qi’s foundation extremely stable, and there will be no problems at all. However, Ai Zhuoshui didn’t know this. Besides, even if Meng Qi can really enter the Yuan God Order after two hundred years, does she really want to marry Meng Qi?
Ai Zhuoshui looked at Meng Qi and said, "Even if everything you said is realized. But do I have to marry you? Don’t forget that we had that kind of relationship only because we had to. " Speaking of which, Ai Zhuoshui suddenly felt a little ridiculous, and he talked about it with a guy who didn’t pass the Jin Dan stage.
Meng Qi understood the meaning of Ai Zhuoshui. She had no feelings for herself at all. Somehow, Meng Qi breathed a sigh of relief while regretting. After a silence, Meng Qi said, "Are there any new instructions from Longgu?"
After Meng Qi’s uproar, Ai Zhuoshui suddenly lost that cold attitude towards Meng Qi. Although it is not necessarily much better, it is relatively better. I don’t know how much.
"Nothing else, he let you take us in the magic door to rest for a period of time. After a while, they will lead a large army to support the magic door. " AiZhuo water light said.
Meng Qi nodded and then asked, "Are you going to stay here all the time?"
Ai Zhuoshui nodded and said, "It’s not bad here. I like it better. Usually I will be here. If you need anything, just come to me. " This ice and snow is really not a good place for ordinary people, but it is quite good for Ai Zhuoshui.
Meng Qi also knew this, so he didn’t insist. Then he left the vast snow and returned to his camp.
At this time, in the black emperor.
"Fang Chen? How can you be here! " Back to the black emperor zong Fang ling ling saw Fang Chen at that time some can’t believe, he should not be hurt by Meng Qi that guy?
And Fang Chen is also some don’t understand, where is he not here? Fang Chen asked carefully, "Miss, I, shouldn’t I be here?"
Fang Lingling shook her head and asked, "No, you weren’t given it by Meng Qi …" Speaking of which, Fang Lingling reacted. Maybe that guy Meng Qi didn’t kill Fang Chen?
Fang Chen heard Fang Ling ling’s question and reacted at once. He smiled and said, "Meng Qi? That guy, at first I really thought I was going to fight him to the death. But it turned out that that guy didn’t seem to have changed much. In fact, we started fighting, and I was defeated by him. This guy has been in the demon family for several years, and he has become so powerful. " When it comes to Meng Qi’s cultivation, Fang Chen is very emotional.
And Fang Ling twill is think impassability, clearly he didn’t kill Fang Chen, why ask him, he didn’t clarify?
"That’s right." As if remembering something, Fang Chen said, "It’s not just me. It seems that Du Sheng and Sword Smile are both back. I heard that they were also caught, and Meng Qi came forward to save their lives. "
Those two are back, too So that guy …
Fang Ling ling suddenly had a feeling of relief. It turned out that that guy was not so ruthless. Somehow, Fang Ling ling suddenly felt a little happy. It’s probably related to the indescribable feelings between Meng Qi.
And Fang Chen still said: "Actually, I always thought that Meng Qi had an accident at first, so after seeing Meng Qi, especially after seeing him at the magic door, I wanted to snatch him up and ask what was going on.
But after seeing him kill Lin Tian, I felt that he had changed. Become like those who have magic doors. Now, it seems, maybe he had a reason to join the demon race there. "
Have difficulties? Fang Ling twill didn’t believe it at first, but now she also believes it. Because she knows why Meng Qi left the Black Emperor Sect at the beginning, as for Lin Tian. Fang Ling Ling was not surprised, because she naturally knew what kind of feud Hu Xianer had with Lin Tian.
In Meng Qi’s temperament, it is natural to kill Lin Tian to avenge Hu Xianer’s mother. Perhaps, that guy really has some difficulties. Fang Ling twill finally think so.
Of course, no matter how Fang Ling ghatpot and Fang Chen think. Meng Qi, after all, is impossible to return to the Black Emperor Sect. They are also destined to be enemies of life and death for a long time.
As for things after a long time, no one can say for sure, if all the people were lucky enough to survive at that time. Maybe we’ll be friends again. Of course, there are too many variables in the future, and no one can tell exactly what will happen. But from now on, Meng Qi seems to have not lost two acquaintances.
Chapter 305 Revisit the old place
Chapter 305 Revisit the old place
Meng Qi spent quite a long time recuperating on the mountain called Cuiming, which was taken back from Sanzong. Because of continuous injuries, Meng Qi’s body has been overwhelmed. Fortunately, this Cuiming Mountain is in a Terran country. And it is quite close to the capital of this country.
However, because the altitude of this Cuiming Mountain is too high for ordinary people, there is no one around this Cuiming Mountain except the monks.

That is definitely not possible!

The cross-country means before he died failed to make the fog endure the attrition of seven members. The cruel eyes of the double-edged sole emissary were directly projected on Ah Kai’s unknown fire Xuan Ebisu!
"Damn guy, if it weren’t for the watermelon mountain puffer fish story, maybe I wouldn’t have lost an arm!"
"Just to deal with a konoha kid, except that idiot Kuriarare Kushimaru died and even I lost an arm!"
"How about I take care of the three kids left in the ten treasures of loquat?"
"I’m going to treat one or three Konoha kids to pay homage to my loss of that arm!"
"No problem, I’ll leave it to you!"
Listening to the words of the double-edged flounder emissary, loquat ten hidden treasures are gone, and contempt is full of dignified eyes, staring thoughtfully at the remaining half of the cross-country body
Since Yu Shuangdao’s emissary has won the approval of the ten treasures of loquat, do you still need to hesitate?
Cruel and violent eyes rested on Ah Kai who didn’t know the fire, Xuan Ebisu, and the double-edged sole messenger turned out to be the bloody eyes, which made Ah Kai who didn’t know the fire, Xuan Ebisu lost his fighting spirit!
This is the strength gap!
This is the spirit of the elite in Fog Endurance!
Just because of its own momentum, the double-edged sole messenger made Ah Kai ignorant of fire and Xuan Ebisu lose their fighting spirit, but also could not help but let Ah Kai ignorant of fire and Xuan Ebisu secretly fear that it was really against such monsters before cross-country and killed one of them?
However, this fear is definitely impossible to last long!
Because when Ah Kai didn’t know the fire and Xuan Ebisu was secretly scared, the double-edged sole messenger disappeared in the same place with a whoosh!
Then appeared again when the double-edged sole messenger impressively appeared in front of Ebisu!
"Is it finished?"
"Damn it! If only I hadn’t pursued the Kuriarare Kushimaru Wuren with Xuan Akai! "
The shadow of death hangs over Ebisu. No matter how much regret he has in his heart, it’s all gone
So when the double-edged sole messenger appeared in front of Ebisu, holding the double-edged sole, and Ebisu’s life was about to be harvested, Ebisu really didn’t have any other ideas except a symbolic defense.
And the double-edged sole emissary knows that Ebisu’s only comeback may be that he has died cross-country, and there is no psychological pressure in his heart when harvesting Ebisu’s life
But just as the double-edged sole messenger can harvest Ebisu’s life in one second, it suddenly goes "whoosh"!
Off-road left in front of loquat and ten Tibetan people, the half-body unexpectedly changed strangely again, which made the double-edged sole messenger suddenly surprised!
Just because I was suddenly surprised, I couldn’t hold the situation of double-edged flounder smoothly!
A gorgeous and sharp wind blade suddenly emerged from behind Ebisu, and took advantage of the unbalanced mentality of the double-edged sole to directly cut off the head of the double-edged sole messenger!
"Illness! Air blade! "
"Half a month!"
Chapter 168 Busy wonderful ()
Faced with a life-and-death crisis, Ebisu has no choice but to defend itself symbolically.
And Ebisu companion Ah Kai and I don’t know the fire Xuan, because the gap between the double-edged sole emissary is too big, it is also possible to watch Ebisu die tragically in the hands of the double-edged sole emissary!
But not even for a second, when the sole messenger saw that Ebisu’s life was about to be harvested.
The gorgeous and sharp wind blade came straight to Ebisu, and the head of the two-knife sole messenger with slightly dilated pupils fell to the ground with the sound of "splash" and warm blood!
Be quiet!
It’s a moment of silence!
Especially when the familiar figure stood proudly in front of Ebisu in the instant of the double-edged sole messenger’s physical death, Akai didn’t know the fire, Xuan Ebisu, and it was a surprise that even the language function was lost!
Because at this moment, the man standing proudly in front of Ebisu is dead cross-country in everyone’s eyes!
"Ebisu, I’m so sorry."
"Just killing this guy in front of you scared you!"
Should have died cross-country appeared indifferent and confident voice echoed in Ebisu’s ear. Ebisu really didn’t know how to thank cross-country except nodded his head and giggled.
If there is no cross-country Ebisu, even the toes think that they all know that Ah Kai doesn’t know what the fire Xuan will face.
How can Ebisu blame off-road when he saw the double-edged sole messenger dead in front of him?
Thank you for coming. Why don’t you talk about blame?
On the contrary, Suikazan Fuguki, Akebino Jinin, Pear and even Kurosuki Raiga stared at the thin figure of cross-country and it was full of panic.
What the hell is going on?
Isn’t that konoha kid dead?
How did you come back from the dead?
And did that kid just disappear with half a body left?

At this time, Qiu Shuang and Guang Youzhi were in the war, but the scenery was a little bit right, and the martial arts were very strong. Qiu Shuang was faint and not an opponent, but it was no problem to entangle him temporarily. Frost and Yu Jinhuai were also in a fierce war, but they were still as cold as the moon, and Nie Wen’s battle was the most wonderful. Nie Wen’s display was proud and cold, and the six tactics were as cold as the moon, and the knife method was cruel and biting. Both sides could say that diamond cut diamond Luo’s flame knife made Chen Hai suffer some hardships, but Luo also suffered some hardships. Luo could not take the hand to

Seeing clearly the situation in the field, Ye Shuang rushed to Ye Shuang and Yu Jinhuai to fight a local war. Among several people, Yu Jinhuai’s martial arts is the weakest, or his Seven Injuries Boxing is the weakest. Ye Shuang and Frost joined hands to get him in a short time. Before Ye Shuang fought with the Golden Lion King, he was already familiar with the Seven Injuries Boxing.
The arrival of Ye Shuang changed the situation almost instantly. It was not easy for Yu Jinhuai to face the frost. At this time, Ye Shuang’s epee waved and he had to withdraw from the gods. But how could Ye Shuang and Frost give him a chance? Ye Shuang’s darksteel epee and Tian Shuang’s fist were put to use together, and Frost teamed up to besiege Yu Jinhuai. Less than ten moves were made, and Yu Jinhuai was injured in two hands. Finally, Ye Shuang’s sword broke his body and half his bones and died immediately.
After killing Yu Jin, Ye Shuang did not stay, and he killed the right ambassador of light. Together with Qiu Shuang, three people besieged the right ambassador of light.
Guang Youzhi is also the top master among the celestial masters, and his strength can be seen from his ability to suppress the autumn frost. However, in the face of Ye Shuang’s joint siege, he still retreated to teach the masters, and many of them wanted to support Guang Youzhi, but Ye Shuang’s three people regarded the master as an ordinary master, and besides, the advantage of heaven in terms of masters was still great enough to stop teaching the masters. Generally, the roots of the five-element flag bearer could not endure a few people.
The right-hander was also a decisive person. He saw that the master of teaching suffered heavy casualties. Although Ye Shuang was besieged by three people, he still gave the order to retreat.
"Aoki Banner and Thick Earth Banner retreated to the bare top." The light right messenger sounded all over the battlefield. Everyone heard this command. Although many people were unwilling, the flag-holding messenger and the flag-holding messenger listened to the light right messenger and commanded the five-element banners to begin to retreat to the bare top.
Seeing the Five-element Flag, many people are extremely unwilling to continue fighting. Although the Five-element Flag can still maintain the situation, it will be defeated sooner or later by the experts in Tianshuangtang. Besides, at this time, the five-element flag bearer has suffered more than half of the casualties in such a long bloody battle. Although Tianshuangtang people have suffered heavy casualties, it can be said that it is a lose-lose, but the remaining ones in Tianshuangtang are all experts, and the advantages of Tianshuangtang will become larger and larger as time goes by.
Teaching high-level opinions is not to let the five-element flag be buried at the top of the light, but to retain some of its strength, so that the right hand has to withdraw to the top of the light
See the five elements flag retreat day frost hall people are instantaneous cheered up.
"Kill all the tops"
"Kill all the tops"
At this time, the whole battlefield resounded through the people of Tianshuang Hall. Although the death toll of Tianshuang Hall was much higher than that of the five-element flag, it was finally that Tianshuang Hall insisted on retreating to the last five-element flag bearer, and the sound of the light ceiling penetrated the whole battlefield. The people of Tianshuang Hall were so angry that they struggled to kill the five-element flag bearer.
Seeing that the Five-element Flag began to retreat, Guangyouzhi did not continue to fight with Ye Shuang, but began to retreat to the top of the light. Qiu Shuang did not continue to persecute but withdrew and began to command the people of Tianshuang Hall-killing the top of the light.
The first volume River’s lake frost mark Chapter two hundred and fifty-seven Gathered in the bald.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-seven Gathered at the top of the light
The five-element flag was ordered to retreat in the light right, but the whole retreat process still appeared orderly, without too much panic and too much space for the people in Tianshuang Hall to drill. Although Tianshuang Hall was in hot pursuit, it did not achieve much.
However, after all, the Five-element Banners retreated to the Tianshuang Hall, where morale was high and there was a path leading to the light ceiling. Even if the Five-element Banners wanted to retreat to the light ceiling, they could not finish the evacuation in a short time. They surrounded the road leading to the light ceiling and resisted the Five-element Banners so that many Five-element Banners could withdraw the light ceiling smoothly.
At this time, there are many banners in front of the road, and the right-hand messenger has also retreated here. Ye Shuang and Han Shuang have to face the siege of the five-line banners in all directions and have to back off and give up the siege of the right-hand messenger.
At this time, some flags of the five-element flag made the deputy flag-bearer come to the right of the light.
"Right make us what to retreat? Continue to fight to our five-element flag and have confidence to smash it all these days. "A big man covered in blood and panting is angry with the knife and puzzled the questioner."
"It’s the right-hander who makes us have no more fighting power. If we retreat, they will be able to attack the top of the light smoothly. It’s definitely a shame for me to attack the top of the light." Another big fellow who was injured in many places was also puzzled and questioned the right-hander
Then others began to ask Xiang Guangyou that they were all ready to defend education to the death. Did they expect to retreat in the end and still have no big disadvantage?
While guarding against the situation in Tianshuangtang, Guangyoushi listened to the complaints from the high-level officials of the five-element flag around him. After they vented a phone call, Guangyoushi calmly said, "Even if the five-element flag killed all the people in Tianshuangtang, I’m afraid there are not many of them left in your five-element flag now?"
The right envoy’s words make the high-level tone of these five-element flags around a lag. Although everyone is not as good as the five-element flag, there are a lot of five-element flags but there is not much advantage. The most likely result is that both sides are really mutually assured destruction.
Seeing that these people around me don’t talk, the right envoy said again, "I don’t know that you teach me to protect my heart, but the sky will be powerful. Even if it can hit the sky hard, I will lose a lot. But don’t forget that there will be a master of heaven in the sky, and the sky will sweep across the western regions and want to dominate the rivers and lakes. This is not something that I teach. Why should other sects sit back and watch me teach and fight to the death?"
The right envoy said that other people were speechless. Only then did they know whether the high-level teaching staff really thought it was still a flag, which made them wonder, "But how can we think about maintaining our strength when the right envoy has killed all the top?"
"So what do you want to do? Let me teach the last man? And then be removed from the river’s lake? And other big factions and powerful forces have eliminated the source of trouble in the Jianghu at the slightest loss? I teach a good name after death? " Right make facial expression looked at the man and said
The man opened his mouth but didn’t know what to say, and finally closed his mouth.
The right envoy sighed at this time. "I didn’t tell you brothers before that I didn’t want anyone to have other thoughts and determination to fight to the death. But at this time, your brothers should try their best to protect me and teach me the effective force. I will teach them to revive in the future and leave as much fire as possible, especially after this war. Fortunately, the elite of the Five Elements Flag will be rebuilt in the future, and we should save their lives as much as possible."
Looking at the right ambassador’s eager eyes and sincere words, the top leaders of these five elements of flags solemnly nodded their heads, knowing his good intentions.
Right to make a sigh of relief at this time cold hum a "in the day will be the western regions and Lingjiu Palace, isn’t it? Even if Lingjiu Palace can’t resist the Central Plains, there are still so many powerful factions that you can’t come. Let me teach a family to fight to the death. Where there is such a good thing, let’s leave it to Shaolin Wudang. "
The right commander unified the idea of the high-level commander of the Five-element Flag, and the retreat speed of the Five-element Flag was immediately accelerated under the command of these people. The Five-element Banner Department gathered in front of the Guangding Road in a narrow area, and the surrounding area was blocked by fire banners and heavy fires. The Tianshuangtang people could not display their roots in such a small area.
Ye Shuang and Frost returned to the Tianshuangtang camp. At this time, Autumn Frost was directing Tianshuangtang to help the public to clear those who would retreat or not, while directing the pursuit of those who retreated to the bare top.
When Luo saw the retreat of the Five-element Banners in the War with Chen Hai, he saw a genial smile that he did not continue the war with Chen Hai, but quickly returned to the teaching camp, ready to withdraw his bare head at any time.
However, Nie Wen, who fought as cold as the moon, ignored others. He thought he was shouldering the responsibility of blocking the ambition of the day and fighting as cold as the moon. The six tactics of arrogant cold were indeed a powerful skill. The knife method of Nie Wen was extremely powerful, but the knife method of cold as the moon was not weak at all. Ye Shuang didn’t know what knife method he practiced, but he could fight as cold as the moon. The six tactics of arrogant cold didn’t fall into the wind, saying that his practice was also a skill. Nie Wen’s knife method was extremely fast, but the knife method of cold as the moon was extremely fierce and cold.
Ye Shuang likes Nie Feng very much, but since he is on the opposite side with others, Ye Shuang will not be soft at all. After withdrawing, he will kill Nie Wen in the past. It’s a pity that Nie Wen’s hand is not a snow drinking knife. If it is a snow drinking knife, Ye Shuang will definitely find Nie Wen for the first time and try to seize it. However, it can also be known that Nie Wen is not the only one in Nie Feng. If he can’t kill him today, Ye Shuang won’t care much about it in the future.
Ye Shuang suddenly joined the instant and broke the cold as the moon. Nie asked that the situation was as cold as the moon and frowned. He wanted to decide the outcome with Nie asked alone. Ye Shuang stepped in and he couldn’t say anything. Nie asked that he was not stupid. He knew that he was definitely not Ye Shuang. When Ye Shuang joined hands with his opponent, he had a refund.
"Nie asked to stay today. I don’t want to see the three of you every time I expand and attack other sects."
Mouth said Ye Shuang darksteel epee hurried towards Nie Wen to attack several swords. Nie Wen cultivated Fengshen legs slightly faster than Ye Shuang. Ye Shuang’s offensive was easily hidden by him. At this time, he didn’t respond to Ye Shuang’s previous words. "Ye Shuang, you won’t have a good game with the male master. Sooner or later, it will be eliminated by many decent people in the Jianghu."
"Ha ha, even if you say it’s true that the day will not die in the future, you will die first today." Ye Shuang’s cold feelings said that Lu Xiaofeng’s flying skills and Nie Wen were chasing each other as cold as the moon, and they also intercepted Nie Wen’s hand in hand, and they joined hands to be ruthless and full of affection to leave Nie Wen here.
In the face of two people’s offensive, Nie asked Fengshen legs to face Ye Shuang’s proud cold six tactics to deal with cold as the moon, and at the same time began to retreat towards teaching.
It was Ye Shuang who made up his mind to leave him completely this time. It was not good to put the heavy darksteel epee back in his backhand when he asked Nie about Fengshen’s legs. Ye Shuang was no stranger to Nie about Fengshen’s legs. When Nie asked his legs to attack Ye Shuang again, Ye Shuang’s palm was dim and his fist was blocked. When Nie asked his body to retreat, Ye Shuang was ready. When he wanted to leave, Nie asked his legs, his hands suddenly gave out a strong suction, and Fengshen’s strength was absorbed by Ye Shuang.
Feel the strength of the legs suddenly drain Nie asked in utter amazement, and then barely take a breath again. He tried to escape from Ye Shuang by tapping a few legs. Ye Shuang’s hand suction range was but he wouldn’t miss this rare opportunity. He didn’t know how strong the suction of the Beggars’ Guild was, but at this time, he sucked the stars from the Dafa to absorb Nie asked’s legs, but he achieved quite good and unexpected results.
Nie Wen tried to get rid of Ye Shuang’s star-sucking solution, but this offensive aggravated the leakage of his legs. With his familiarity with Fengshen’s legs, Nie Wen knew that he wanted to take the lead in moves and caught his legs with Ye Shuang’s flash of star-sucking solution.
"Ha ha, Nie Wen is doomed today." Ye Shuang is very happy to feel that Nie Wen’s strength and Bing Xin’s cultivation output are constantly being inhaled by himself, especially Nie Wen’s cultivation power is almost in the same strain as himself. It is easier to get benefits from his own refining.
Fengshen’s legs and Tianshuang’s fists are three-thirds of the vitality. Two of the three Juexue schools are naturally in the same strain, and the cultivation of Tianshuang and Fengshen’s strength are similar and complementary, while Nie Wen’s cultivation of Bingxin formula Ye Shuang also cultivated all Ye Shuang’s physical strength to absorb his true qi, so he would be so happy.
Nie asked to be caught by Ye Shuang’s drawing power. Bing Xin’s tactic was equally panicked but not chaotic. Ling turned and slashed his knife at Ye Shuang, trying to force him to let go of himself, but it was as cold as the moon, which blocked him from being proud and cold, and did not give him any chance.
After being blocked by the cold as the moon, Nie Wen quickly lost his resistance and fell soft in Ye Shuang’s star-sucking solution.
Ye Shuang’s eyes closed tightly to cast the star-sucking solution to absorb other people’s charm. This time, it was thanks to the practice of the star-sucking solution that Ye Shuang finally succeeded in absorbing his manpower. Although it was better than not catching others to cast it, it was extremely difficult to prevent it. The star-sucking solution began to show its majestic power.
When there was about a wick of incense, Ye Shuang finally absorbed Nie Wen’s skill completely. Nie Wen was completely abolished. Ye Shuang threw this person to the ground and stood beside him. The master of the Frost Hall said, "Be optimistic that he will take him to Tianshan Fengyun. The master will be very happy when he sees it."

Yang Jin couldn’t help but hesitate. What did Cui Wugu want to say? Song Changgeng said, "I have been paying attention to the treasures of Kongtong Mountain for a long time. Although I practice Buddhism and magic, Buddhism is a heretical method, so I want to get the Buddhist scriptures there, and at the same time, I want the heavenly sand refined from the white gold. If the virtuous couple don’t argue with me about these two things, everyone can take a companion."

When this was said, everyone looked at him in amazement, and the more he said it, the more explicit he became. Half of Lao Ni announced the Buddha’s name beside him, and he said, "No matter what you plan, because the disabled and the lack of land were my brothers in previous lives, you should not hurt them for the sake of poor Ni. Poor Ni is very grateful. In order to thank poor Ni, I will ensure that Wudang will not participate."

Volume 38 The stakes Chapter three hundred and seventy-seven A wonderful real person
Half of Lao Ni’s words showed her attitude, and Song Changgeng couldn’t help wondering about her relationship with Tiancan and Dique, but it was a good thing that she and her apprentice didn’t attend. At this moment, Ling Hun smiled and said, "Song Xiaozi, I don’t care if you want Buddhist scriptures, but you can’t do it even if you want to be beautiful. Everyone knows that it is made of Taibai pure gold. How many swords can you make if you break it down?" No! "
Cui Wugu gave him a hand beside him. Ling Hun knew that his wife wouldn’t let him talk, but he had to say it. What if Song Changgeng was a fairy in his eyes? My husband and wife are not as good as him after the robbery. How can he have a good thing? Besides, this guy has to take away the good things. Who doesn’t know that there are so many treasures there?
Song Changgeng’s eyes flashed with anger when he heard this. After a moment of reflection, he sneered, "You are right. How can I monopolize these treasures by myself? The so-called natural materials and treasures only live in virtue. Since Ling Zhangmen thinks that I am not qualified, well, let’s act separately. When the time comes, we will rely on our skills and luck. Just forget what I said just now. "
Say that finish a jilt sleeves, walked into the distance, just not far away to listen to the sound of the clock in the air, rock has lived, I saw five fairy mansion in the clouds in the air, the color is ruddy as jade, the surrounding clouds flow, slowly fly away, in a twinkling of an eye, the full shape of the fairy mansion is revealed, followed by four fairy mansion also emerged one after another, the surrounding clouds turned into five-color clouds and rose.
After these five-color clouds gather over the central yellow fairy house, they gradually shrink, and they will synthesize a colorful cloud the size of Zhang Xu and stop at the top of the fairy house. When you look carefully, you can see that each fairy house is tall and wide, with platform corridors on all sides. The front platform is particularly wide, covering an area of several and one-tenth of the whole site, and five fairy houses float in the air. Same pattern, but different colors.
A crisp boy in the air shouted: "After the spread of the Dharma, all Emei disciples thank you, and all guests can go to Nanyuan Xianfu to watch the ceremony!" As soon as his words fell, I saw a rainbow hanging from the ruby fairy mansion, which was obviously to guide everyone, and everyone flew one after another. Fly up along the rainbow, and fall on that big platform successively.
You can see that there is a big stone tripod with a height of more than three meters at each corner of this platform. The platform is surrounded by carved fences on all sides, and there are thirty-six ruby steps on the front, with two wide doors on it. A plaque was erected on the door, engraved with four ancient seal gold characters of Nanyuan Xianfu. While watching it, everyone walked to the front of the thirty-six ruby steps and went up one after another.
The entrance is a corridor. After more than a hundred steps, a spacious hall appeared. At first glance, it was more than 30 meters high and hundreds of meters long and short. It was not a problem to put a few hundred people in the hall. There was a half-man-high platform with a throne in the middle of it. There are many seats on each side. Behind the throne are nine Dan furnaces of different sizes.
The whole hall is complete, without beams or columns. Like a whole piece of beautiful jade, it has been hollowed out and built. The weather is magnificent and solemn, and many people can’t help but gasp in admiration when they come in. At this time, all the male and female disciples of Emei Sect, each holding Yue Xian’s ceremonial ceremony, holding a furnace and holding flowers, are divided into two rows, and are stepping out from the middle of the temple and arranged on both sides of the platform.
Xuanzhenzi, the eldest disciple of Changmei Real Person, made a guest appearance as the master of ceremonies, holding the jade box in his hand, and led the palm to teach Miao Real Person Qi Shuming to be the same as the elder generation. When he arrived at the center of the stage, Miao Real Person Qi Shuming was still in the center, and the immortals lined up in a wild goose.
After seeing everyone standing, Xuanzhenzi drank loudly: "Disciple Xuanzhenzi joined Qi Shuming, the current master of our school, to respect the great life, that is, to follow the instructions of the teacher’s jade box, to be afraid of implementation, to fast for several days, to be sincere, to be pious in repairing the jade box of Fengtianfu, to pay tribute to it, and to be grateful for your kindness!"
Xuanzhenzi said, "With a stroke of his hand, a Qingyun appeared in the air out of thin air, and immediately flew down to him. Xuanzhenzi respectfully held the jade box in the air, and the jade box was held by Qingyun, rising slowly, and the tracks gradually disappeared in a blink of an eye. Xuanzhenzi played music and burned, and Qi Shuming also led his disciples to pay homage. The ceremony was solemn and grand, and the tolerance was strict.
Miao Yi, a real person, Qi Shuming and others started to worship, and Yue Xian began to play again. Several younger disciples of Si Liao put the heavy sandalwood, which was already prepared and as thick as a human arm, into the nine Dan furnaces behind the throne, and the real fire was lit. At that time, the incense mist filled the hall, and the long fragrance floated, making it more mysterious and ethereal.
A wonderful real person, Qi Shuming, followed the crowd and looked at the sky and worshipped from afar. Xuanzhenzi stood in the front side of a wonderful real person, and also prostrated himself with the crowd. At this time, all the people in Emei School changed into a new suit, with feathers, a star crown, and a cloud dress and a chardonnay skirt, which were different from those they wore when they opened the government. In addition, the fairy scenery here is beautiful and Yue Xian is melodious, just like going to the pocket to lead the fairy palace, lighting the hall, and celebrating the immortals.
After a while, after a ceremony, a wonderful real person, Qi Shuming, and others began to play music to welcome guests, and he personally stepped down to salute the Xianbin, thanking everyone for coming, and welcoming some prominent people to sit on the high platform above. The first one went up was Yan Mu’s master and apprentice, and then Li Jingxiu, a real person who came again in the boy’s appearance, was invited up, and Xie Shan, who had been defending outside, was invited.
Fortunately, the platform here is big enough. Miao Yi, a real person, Qi Shuming, now smiles, is polite and says a few words to everyone, and respectfully invites people from all walks of life to go up. Even when he sees Song Changgeng, he seems to forget each other’s struggles. After greeting as good friends, he is invited to the platform, and several people from Lingjiao Palace also go up with everyone.
Miao Yiren invited people below, Xuanzhenzi and others arranged and entertained them above. When Miao Yiren Qi Shuming invited people, he turned back to the stage and saw him come up. Everyone got up to congratulate Miao Yiren, and Miao Yiren asked everyone to take a seat. Emei sent you because Miao Yiren Qi Shuming was the master of this school, and everyone asked Miao Yiren to take a seat in the middle of Taichung.
Miao Yi, a real person, took a seat after apologizing, and said with a gentle smile, "This mansion was originally a place where many fellow students and disciples paid homage to Taoism. It was not a place for inviting guests, but a place with a large number of immortals. Among the five mansions, this mansion has the largest hall. We specially invite you to meet us. Today, thanks to your Taoist friends, it has added a lot of different scenes. Being original, on behalf of the Emei Sect, I thank you for your generosity."
Speaking of this, he stood up and saluted everyone, then sat down and said, "Now that our business has been completed, we can begin to entertain you. This hall and the stone platform outside are very wide, and the platform outside is facing the following fairy flowers, which is just for viewing. Therefore, it is appropriate to discuss with your predecessors and friends to move the banquet place to this place. I don’t know what you think?"
Everyone agreed that Zhu Mei, the short man, was very upset when he saw that there were so many people here that he couldn’t get in touch with them. He took advantage of his words and asked Miao Yi, "Qi Daoyou, why don’t you open the government first, until you return the jade box Taoist scriptures, and thank you for it?" Is it inconsistent with the procedure we discussed earlier? Is there something wrong? Please also tell me! "
As soon as his words came out, everyone looked up. That’s what the short Zhu Mei wanted. He wanted to attract everyone’s attention and say something, but Miao Yi didn’t give him a chance to continue. Instead, he said with a faint smile, "My disciples dare not disobey the master’s orders, so it’s a little different from what we predicted."
When Ling Hun, a poor god, saw that Song Chang-geng was about to speak, he was angry and said with a smile, "Qi Daoyou, have you taught the disciples the magic weapon? How can it be so fast? "
Everyone knows it’s nonsense if there is no nutrition, but Miao Yi, a real person, can’t reply easily, so he has to say with a gentle smile: "All the magic weapons of all disciples can be used, but only a few disciples have some that they can’t use yet. After being taught by my family teacher, they can practice according to this, and they can all be applied soon. All the Taoist friends who have worked hard are concerned."
It seems that I don’t want to say much to you, so I suddenly stood up, and then handed over my hand to everyone. I said, "All the disciples formally saluted and preached from the master. After the banquet, I planned to hold it in this temple in public, just to show off the jade box left by my master in Qingjing a few days ago, and I don’t want to show off the preaching section. However, the Nine-Day Yuan Sutra is the secret of Tianfu. As soon as I open the government, I have to pay tribute to it and fly.
Therefore, a temporary change was made, under the supervision of the master elder brother, and with the help of the senior Taoist friends, the whole territory of Yuan Jing was rebuilt first, and the time for opening the government was approaching, so we had to obey the teacher’s orders, wrongly inherit the orthodoxy, and correct the teacher’s position. In advance, because of the rush of time, many Taoist friends from all sides recommended and introduced people, except our disciples. At that time, when we were closed, we were isolated inside and outside, and people and disciples did not meet.
Now, afterwards, I feel that it is not prudent to make up the ceremony of getting started. Fortunately, there is a list of disciples of the old and new schools in the jade box of my family teacher, and all of them should be included. Except for the following people who were introduced by Zhu Daoyou in Qingcheng, the Qingcheng school, under the auspices of Zhu Daoyou and Jiang Daoyou, has a negative ambition in the future.
The rest, who were on the list and were intentionally introduced by my teacher, were all ordered to be summoned to Taiyuan Cave to change the vestments left by the tutor, gather in the main hall, give gifts with the old classmates, teach the initial Daoism, give one or two magic weapons each, and fly swords with the old magic weapons, each indicating the usage, and teach some advanced methods.
Afterwards, the master elder brother still supervised me, and I led three generations of disciples, old and young, to attach the revised disciple list to the jade box, burning the fire to the sky, thanking the table for sincerity, thanking the teacher for his kindness, but fortunately, I did not miss the moment of returning the immortal book, and thanked all the predecessors and Taoist friends for their blessing and help, and finally succeeded in building a foundation.
Thanks to the kindness and courtesy of all the guests, this house is unprepared, and all the disciples in the school are always grateful for your kindness. Since then, only the governor has led his disciples, struggled to cultivate, and paid tribute to them. "
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Volume 38 The stakes Chapter three hundred and seventy-eight 49 heavy robbery
His disciples made such a low profile that they all told the reason of the incident. Everyone stood up quickly and said, "Taoist friends are too modest, as it is, so there is no need to be polite!"
Wonderful a real person answered thank you, and then asked his master to prepare for the opening ceremony. On this stage, all the people are respected or well-connected, and their theoretical strength is also in their infancy. The hall below the platform is full of disciples and masters of all people on the stage. Those who are humble and have no teachers for various reasons are arranged on the platform outside.
For a time, all the disciples dressed in flowers, set the tables and chairs, and served various delicacies and wines one after another. Miao Yiren and other Emei masters began to persuade the wine in turn. When Miao Yiren came to the case of Xiaozuo Zhu Mei, Xiaozuo Zhu Mei said with a smile: "Qi Daoyou, you opened the practice this time, and even people accepted it, but none of the people I recommended were left. Obviously, they were too hard to cultivate and said something nice.
You know that White Dwarf and I both like leisure, and we are impatient to learn from Ling Hanzi to create a portal and be a godfather. Now you don’t accept those people, isn’t that forcing me? "
Miao Yi still smiled gently: "Brother, that’s not the case. Qingcheng and Emei reach the same goal by different routes. Since two elders, Tiandu and Minghe, gave way to each other for a joke in the past year, they closed their doors and stopped taking disciples, and soon they rose in succession. Today, only Brother and Jiang Daoyou continue the orthodoxy.
You’re welcome. If Taoist friends are immune to it, Jiang Daoyou, though ambitious, will be unable to speak with his own hands. The legacy of the family teacher also speaks of this. You two should have been the Qingcheng Sect, and the people who turned to robbery will be born soon. Most of the 19 noble schools will vote for Taoist friends. If you stay out of it. Not only those 19 people mostly have nowhere to go.
And unfortunately, one of them was caught by a different faction, and the mistake was still small. I know that Taoist friends don’t like to teach people, but since things are coming to your head, I have to do it. It’s not that I don’t want to accept it and it’s hard for Taoist friends. My family teacher has long predicted it. Although it has deviated for some reasons, it has not changed in general. So I hope Taoist friends will think twice. "
At this time, Ling Hunmin, who was sitting next to the short Zhu Mei, took a sip of wine and said, "Qi Daoyou, Zhu Xiaozi is duplicitous. Don’t listen to his nonsense. I know all his worries. It is nothing more than that he and Jiang know that the orthodox religion will be prosperous in the future, and the road is high and the devil is high. This is relative. Demon evil is more cabin pursed, he led all the disciples to your door, is clearly afraid of difficulties … "